I have a separate web/db server and vicidial server instalation working just fine.
Both Vicidialnow instalation upgraded to 2.2 SVN
Now i am trying to add another dialer (also a vicidialnow install upgraded to 2.2). I read the LOAD_BALANCE.txt and noticed that in this new version things are pretty much set up automatically by vicidial.
When the agents log on server 1(IP, everything works fine, as previously, but when logging or dialing on server 2(IP, a few strage things, that i'm not being able to figure out why, happen.
First thing when loggin into server 2, the client web page opens normaly and the phone rings, but when i answer, i don't here the "only person in this conference" message, although i can see that the message was played in the CLI log in server 2:
- Code: Select all
[Jul 8 16:53:31] -- Saved useragent "Linksys/SPA2102-3.3.6" for peer 3162
[Jul 8 16:53:44] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Jul 8 16:53:44] Found
[Jul 8 16:53:44] == Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
[Jul 8 16:53:51] > Channel SIP/3162-084e2e70 was answered.
[Jul 8 16:53:51] == Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
[Jul 8 16:53:51] -- Executing MeetMe("SIP/3162-084e2e70", "8600051|F") in new stack
[Jul 8 16:53:51] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': [Jul 8 16:53:51] Found
[Jul 8 16:53:51] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme-vicidial.conf': [Jul 8 16:53:51] Found
[Jul 8 16:53:51] -- Created MeetMe conference 1023 for conference '8600051'
[Jul 8 16:53:52] -- Playing 'conf-onlyperson' (language 'en')
[Jul 8 16:54:02] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Jul 8 16:54:02] Found
[Jul 8 16:54:02] == Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
[Jul 8 16:54:02] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Jul 8 16:54:02] Found
Then, the load balance seems to be working fine, since the leads get dialed on both servers (tested it setting max_vicidial_trunks to 0 on each)
When i'm logged in server 1 and the leads are dialed from server 1 everything works fine, but when i'm logged in server 2 or the leads are dialed from server 2 (even if i'm logged in server 1), the agents get the calls, the screen turns to ACTIVE CALL, but nothing is heard
here is a a few log from server 1 with max_vicidial_trunks = 0
- Code: Select all
[Jul 8 20:44:06] == Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
[Jul 8 20:44:06] == Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
[Jul 8 20:44:08] -- SIP/sip-curitiba-09d301a8 answered Local/000413356143default-246f,2
[Jul 8 20:44:08] > Channel Local/0004133561438@default-246f,1 was answed.
[Jul 8 20:44:08] == Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
[Jul 8 20:44:08] -- Executing Playback("Local/0004133561438@default-246f,, "sip-silence") in new stack
[Jul 8 20:44:08] -- Playing 'sip-silence' (language 'en')
[Jul 8 20:44:08] -- Executing AGI("Local/0004133561438@default-246f,1", "i://") in new stack
[Jul 8 20:44:08] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, rurning 0
[Jul 8 20:44:08] -- Executing AGI("Local/0004133561438@default-246f,1", "i-VDAD_ALL_outbound.agi|NORMAL-----LB") in new stack
[Jul 8 20:44:08] -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-VDAALL_outbound.agi
[Jul 8 20:44:08] == Spawn extension (default, 0004133561438, 2) exited non-ro on 'Local/0004133561438@default-246f,2'
[Jul 8 20:44:08] -- Executing DeadAGI("Local/0004133561438@default-246f,2 "agi://") in new stack
[Jul 8 20:44:08] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jul 8 20:44:09] -- AGI Script agi-VDAD_ALL_outbound.agi completed, returng 0
[Jul 8 20:44:09] -- Executing AGI("SIP/sip-curitiba-09d301a8", "agi-VDAD_L_outbound.agi|NORMAL-----LB") in new stack
[Jul 8 20:44:09] -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-VDAALL_outbound.agi
[Jul 8 20:44:09] -- AGI Script agi-VDAD_ALL_outbound.agi completed, returng 0
[Jul 8 20:44:09] -- Executing Dial("SIP/sip-curitiba-09d301a8", "IAX2/Vicial:test@|55|oT") in new stack
[Jul 8 20:44:09] -- Called Vicidial:test@
[Jul 8 20:44:09] -- Call accepted by (format ulaw)
[Jul 8 20:44:09] -- Format for call is ulaw
[Jul 8 20:44:09] -- IAX2/Vicidial2-15475 answered SIP/sip-curitiba-09d301
[Jul 8 20:44:10] == Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
[Jul 8 20:44:30] -- Nobody picked up in 40000 ms
[Jul 8 20:44:30] -- Executing Hangup("Local/0004132575370@default-4ef9,2""") in new stack
[Jul 8 20:44:30] == Spawn extension (default, 0004132575370, 3) exited non-ro on 'Local/0004132575370@default-4ef9,2'
[Jul 8 20:44:30] -- Executing DeadAGI("Local/0004132575370@default-4ef9,2 "agi://") in new stack
[Jul 8 20:44:30] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jul 8 20:44:30] == Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
[Jul 8 20:44:44] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Jul 8 20:44:44]ound
[Jul 8 20:44:44] == Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
[Jul 8 20:44:44] -- Hungup 'IAX2/Vicidial2-15475'
[Jul 8 20:44:44] == Spawn extension (default, 192*168*200*007*8600051, 1) eted non-zero on 'SIP/sip-curitiba-09d301a8'
[Jul 8 20:44:44] -- Executing DeadAGI("SIP/sip-curitiba-09d301a8", "agi:/") in new stack
[Jul 8 20:44:44] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Jul 8 20:44:48] == Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
All the IAX2 registrations are configured in the auto-generated vicidial conf files.
Here is the iax2 show registry from server 1
- Code: Select all
pabxsrv1*CLI> iax2 show registry
Host Username Perceived Refresh State ASTblind 60 Registered ASTloop 60 Registered Vicidial 60 Registered Vicidial 60 Registered ASTblind 60 Registered ASTloop 60 Registered
And from server 2
- Code: Select all
pabxsrv2*CLI> iax2 show registry
Host Username Perceived Refresh State Vicidial2 60 Registered Vicidial2 60 Registered ASTblind 60 Registered ASTloop 60 Registered
and screen -r from server 1
- Code: Select all
[root@pabxsrv1 ~]# screen -r
There are several suitable screens on:
7893.ASTlisten (Detached)
2661.ASTVDautoFILL (Detached)
2655.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
7887.ASTupdate (Detached)
7899.ASTVDremote (Detached)
2483.asterisk (Detached)
7896.ASTVDauto (Detached)
7890.ASTsend (Detached)
2658.ASTfastlog (Detached)
2478.astshell20100708201441 (Detached)
Type "screen [-d] -r [pid.]tty.host" to resume one of them.
and screen -r from server 2
- Code: Select all
[root@pabxsrv2 ~]# screen -r
There are several suitable screens on:
6340.ASTVDremote (Detached)
2573.astshell20100708201113 (Detached)
2579.asterisk (Detached)
6334.ASTlisten (Detached)
2536.ASTfastlog (Detached)
6331.ASTsend (Detached)
6337.ASTVDauto (Detached)
6328.ASTupdate (Detached)
Type "screen [-d] -r [pid.]tty.host" to resume one of them.
Does anyone know what is happening, or can point me in a direction?
Thanks a lot,