using Queue than meetme and any other else

Discussions about development of VICIDIAL and astGUIclient

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using Queue than meetme and any other else

Postby Op3r » Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:58 pm

we had this problems with meetme. It kept on hogging resources and stuff, We were thinking if using queues will make it better for vicidial.

any suggestions?
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Postby mflorell » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:28 pm

Using Queues would require a lot of code changes to vicidial. The entire system is build around a database queue of calls and sending calls to an extension(which is the meetme room of the agent). If you wanted to use Queues you would need to somehow integrate the Asterisk Queues and Agents with the VICIDIAL auto_calls and live_agents tables which would not be an easy task.

We didn't use Asterisk Queues when we started the project because we needed easy manager barge-in along with 3rd and 4th party calling and DTMF macros, all of which cannot be done in Asterisk Queues. Also, meetme allows recording an agent across calls, which could not be done in Queues at the time(not sure if it's possible now either)

One potential solution would be to try app_conference instead of meetme. It uses much less recources than meetme and has been tested on a light production machine to work with VICIDIAL: ... _id=421962

What kind of system are you using? (CPU/RAM/drives)
What kind of trunks and clients are you using?
What codecs are you using?
Do you have Asterisk/VICIDIAL/MySQL/Apache-PHP all on the same machine?
How many agents?
What dial level?
How do you know that meetme is using a lot of resources?
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Postby Op3r » Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:20 pm

Hi matt

We are using IBM Dual Xeon with 2 gig of memory and 300 gb of hard drive

we are using commpartners, thru sip.

we are using g729

we have a separate server for apache/mysql

for each server we put in 30 with recordings

the dial level is 3 - 4

the meetme is the only one who kept us getting hit in the head on the asterisk side.
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Postby mflorell » Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:01 pm

30 agents with G729 and a 3-4 dial level all while recording is pretty good for a single server. Have you tried Load balancing with VICIDIAL? It works very well for us and allows easy scaling while increasing efficiency.

app_conference seems to run into problems when you put it on a high-volume outbound server like that, I am currently working with the app_conference developers to try to figure out the causes of this, but in the mean time I wouldn't recommend it for heavy VICIDIAL outbound use.

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Postby vctor » Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:36 pm

If ever there are people who would like to help in coding the vicidial to use queues, Im in.
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Postby mflorell » Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:14 pm

I have talked with a couple of the developers of GnuDialer(the other OSS Asterisk dialer) about their experiences with integrating with Asterisk Queues. Their bottom line is basically that it is overly complex and unstable if modified. In their recent Puff engine they stopped using Queues altogether and many of their deadlock issues went away.

Changing to Asterisk Queues would require a total rewrite of the manager listener, many modifications to the VICIDIAL client app. Also, it would need to be fixed on one specific Asterisk release version since the Asterisk Queues features, outputs and functionality changes frequently from release to release and the queues code would probably need to be altered to accomodate some features that are not possible now with Queues. That is in contrast with using meetme or app_conference which will work on any release of Asterisk from 1.0.1 to the most recent with unaltered code.
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