[HELP] Agents not taking inbound calls

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[HELP] Agents not taking inbound calls

Postby AlexR » Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:49 pm


I think I am very close to getting a functional version of VICIDAL, im thrilled for this. But im not able to get inbound calls working

From Manager manual PDF i placed this in extensions.conf

Code: Select all
exten => _23281902,1,Ringing
exten => _23281902,2,Wait(1);
exten => _23281902,3,Answer
exten => _23281902,4,AGI(agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi,SALESLINE-----23281902-----Closer---------------999-----1)
exten => _23281902,5,Hangup

I am able to dial into 23281902 and hear the recording "Your call is very important to us." and i am placed on hold.

On the other hand in /agc/vicidial (vicidial web client)
I am able to log in with user 7777 on phone 111 (an IAX phone) into the
SALESLINE group. The call is made into the extension and i get the
"You are the only person in this conf" msg.

But calls are NEVER transfered to this agent.

Where can i start troubleshooting this?

Thank you

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Postby mflorell » Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:42 pm

Is your agent logged into the CLOSER campaign and then selects the SALESLINE inbound group upon login?
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Postby AlexR » Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:50 pm


Thank you for the reply, yes the agent has logged on correctly and selected the SALESLINE GROUP.

When logged into the VICIDIAL web interface on the top you can read:

Logged in as User: 7777 on Phone: IAX2/101@101 to campaign: CLOSER

However on the REALTIME screen when a call is made I get

Code: Select all
1 current active calls      0 calls ringing           1  calls waiting for agents       NO AGENTS ON CALLS

Also.. on the PDF I read that the AUTODIAL level has to be one.. but it is not advised about which DIAL METHOD to use.

Thank you for your help, and congrats on such a useful project

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Postby mflorell » Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:06 pm

Dial method must be RATIO for CLOSER campaigns, and the agent must have clicked on RESUME to take inbound calls.

Could you post the vicidial_live_agents record for this agent immediately after they click the RESUME link if you are still having this problem?
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Postby AlexR » Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:16 pm

Thanks Matt!

:D That did the trick!

One more question, the callerid of the calling number should be displayed somewhere? because i do not see it in any part of the screen

Thanks a million again!

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Postby mflorell » Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:20 pm

The callerID should show up in the vicidial.php screen phone number field if you are receiving it as a standard CallerID string on a SIP trunk or PRI T1 line.

How are you receiving CallerID?

Could you post some output from agiout.2006-XX-XX where the transfer inbound AGI script runs?
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Postby AlexR » Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:23 pm

Thank you Matt,

Actually Im using a PRI but it is an E1 not a T1 (I know that i will have create more conf rooms, etc....) But i DO get the callerID.

from agiout i get

Code: Select all
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi|0|SALESLINE-----23281902-----Closer---------------999-----1
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- callerid = 58910295
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- calleridname = unknown
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- callingpres = 3
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- callington = 33
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- channel = Zap/21-1
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- dnid = 23281902
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- extension = 23281902
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- priority = 4
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- request = agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- type = Zap
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- uniqueid = 1163267492.63

So there is callerID

2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi| -- callerid = 58910295

But right after that i see some lines like this:

Code: Select all
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi|+++++ INBOUND CALL VDCL STARTED : |SALESLINE|Closer-23281902|2006-11-11 12:51:33
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi||SELECT lead_id from vicidial_list where list_id='999' and phone_number='' order by modify_date limit 1;|3|
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi|callerID changed: Y1111125133000000003
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi||INSERT INTO vicidial_auto_calls values('','','SALESLINE','LIVE','3','1163267492.63','Y1111125133000000003','Zap/21-1','1','','2006-11-11 12:51:33','IN')|
2006-11-11 12:51:33|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCIDlookup.agi||INSERT INTO vicidial_closer_log (lead_id,campaign_id,call_date,start_epoch,status,phone_code,phone_number,user,processed) values('3','SALESLINE','2006-11-11 12:51:33','1163267493','QUEUE','1','','VDCL','N')|

I don't quite understand why the callerID is not inserted into vicidial_auto_calls??

Thank you!

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Postby mflorell » Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:06 am

Looks like you are getting 8 digits for CallerID number, since this script was written for 10 digits only you will need to alter the code of the AGI script to get it to pickup and accept 8 digits.
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Postby AlexR » Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:42 pm

Thanks! I will look into the code and see how i could go about this!

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Postby gardo » Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:38 am

i've setup inbound based on the manager's manual. we were successful but encountered some glitches. one of it is that when a call comes in and no agent is available, customer hears "your call is important to us". now the customer stays on the line until there is an available agent but the call never gets routed to an available agent. the customer just stays on the line but never gets connected.

1 current active calls 0 calls ringing 1 calls waiting for agents
6 agents logged in 0 agents in calls 1 agents waiting 5 paused agents

my inbound extensions.conf has this:

;### Inbound calls for 8885830884
exten => _18885830884,1,Ringing ; call ringing
exten => _18885830884,n,Wait(1) ; wait 1 sec for CID delivery
exten => _18885830884,n,Answer ; answer
exten => _18885830884,n,AGI(agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi,SALESLINE-----8885830884-----Closer-----park----------999-----1)
exten => _18885830884,n,Hangup ; hangup

my current setup has 2 dialers and 1 mysq/apache. the vdad extension is 8367. we have 5 agents to take inbound calls and 5 agents to do the calling at the said number. i've noticed that if the caller is logged on at asterisk01 and the agent available is at asterisk02, the call never gets through.
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Postby mflorell » Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:39 am

Post output from the /var/log/astguiclient/agiout.2006-XX-XX file from the closer AGI process when this happens.
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Postby gardo » Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:59 am

2006-11-22 19:41:42|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|-- VDCL XFER : |1|Y1122194142000164990
|UPDATE vicidial_auto_calls set status='CLOSER' where callerid='Y1122194142000164990';|
2006-11-22 19:41:42|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|-- closer log : |1|164990
|UPDATE vicidial_closer_log set user='rmagsuci' where lead_id='164990' order by call_date desc limit 1;|
2006-11-22 19:41:42|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|exiting VDAD app, transferring call to 8600052
2006-11-22 19:41:42|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|-- VDCL vcl update: |1|164990|
|UPDATE vicidial_closer_log set queue_seconds='0' where lead_id = '164990' and call_date='2006-11-22 19:41:42';|
2006-11-22 19:41:43|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|XXXXX VDAD transferred: start|stop 2006-11-22 19:41:42|2006-11-22 19:41:43
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- callerid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- calleridname = Y1122194142000164990
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- channel = SIP/5000-0075d430
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- dnid = 18885830884
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- extension = h
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- priority = 1
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- request = call_log.agi
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- type = SIP
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164195701.3
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi|AGI Variables: |1164195701.3|SIP/5000-0075d430|h|SIP|Y1122194142000164990|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi||CALL HUNG UP|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi||DELETE from live_inbound where uniqueid='1164195701.3' and server_ip=''|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|call_log.agi|+++++ CALL LOG HUNGUP: |1164195701.3|SIP/5000-0075d430|h|2006-11-22 19:42:00|min: |
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|0|PRI-----NODEBUG-----0---------------
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- callerid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- calleridname = Y1122194142000164990
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- channel = SIP/5000-0075d430
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- dnid = 18885830884
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- extension = h
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- priority = 2
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- request = VD_hangup.agi
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- type = SIP
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164195701.3
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Variables: |1164195701.3|SIP/5000-0075d430|h|SIP|Y1122194142000164990|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|DEBUG: NODEBUG
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|VD_hangup : Y1122194142000164990 SIP/5000-0075d430 2 164990
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi||SELECT lead_id,callerid FROM vicidial_auto_calls where uniqueid = '1164195701.3' limit 1;|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|-- VDAC record deleted: |1| |164990|1164195701.3|Y1122194142000164990|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi||SELECT start_epoch,status FROM vicidial_log where uniqueid='1164195701.3' and lead_id='164990' limit 1;|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|no VDL record found: 1164195701.3 Y1122194142000164990 164990 1164195701.3
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi||SELECT start_epoch,status,closecallid FROM vicidial_closer_log where lead_id = '164990' and call_date > "200
6-11-22 13:42:00" order by call_date desc limit 1;|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi||UPDATE vicidial_log set end_epoch='1164195720',length_in_sec='18' where uniqueid = '1164195701.3';|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|-- VDAD vicidial_log update: |0E0|1164195701.3|INCALL|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|||INCALL|
|UPDATE vicidial_closer_log set end_epoch='1164195720',length_in_sec='18' where closecallid = '36';|
2006-11-22 19:42:00|VD_hangup.agi|-- VDCL update: |1|1164195701.3|36|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callerid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- calleridname = 20061122-194143_guest01
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- channel = Local/78600052@default-5b5e,2
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- extension = h
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- priority = 1
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- request = call_log.agi
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- type = Local
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164195705.5
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi|AGI Variables: |1164195705.5|Local/78600052@default-5b5e,2|h|Local|20061122-194143_guest01|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi||CALL HUNG UP|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi||DELETE from live_inbound where uniqueid='1164195705.5' and server_ip=''|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi|+++++ CALL LOG HUNGUP: |1164195705.5|Local/78600052@default-5b5e,2|h|2006-11-22 19:42:03|min: |
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|0|PRI-----NODEBUG-----0---------------
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callerid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- calleridname = 20061122-194143_guest01
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- channel = Local/78600052@default-5b5e,2
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- extension = h
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- priority = 2
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- request = VD_hangup.agi
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- type = Local
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164195705.5
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Variables: |1164195705.5|Local/78600052@default-5b5e,2|h|Local|20061122-194143_guest01|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|DEBUG: NODEBUG
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|VD_hangup : 20061122-194143_guest01 Local/78600052@default-5b5e,2 2 4143
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|-- VDhangup Local DEBUG: |PRI|20061122-194143_guest01||0|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|+++++ VDAD START LOCAL CHANNEL: EXITING- 2
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callerid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- calleridname = 20061122-194143_guest01
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- channel = Local/78600052@default-5b5e,1
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- extension = h
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- priority = 1
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- request = call_log.agi
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- type = Local
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164195705.4
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi|AGI Variables: |1164195705.4|Local/78600052@default-5b5e,1|h|Local|20061122-194143_guest01|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi||CALL HUNG UP|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi||DELETE from live_inbound where uniqueid='1164195705.4' and server_ip=''|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|call_log.agi|+++++ CALL LOG HUNGUP: |1164195705.4|Local/78600052@default-5b5e,1|h|2006-11-22 19:42:03|min: |
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|0|PRI-----NODEBUG-----0---------------
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callerid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- calleridname = 20061122-194143_guest01
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- channel = Local/78600052@default-5b5e,1
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- extension = h
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- priority = 2
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- request = VD_hangup.agi
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- type = Local
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164195705.4
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Variables: |1164195705.4|Local/78600052@default-5b5e,1|h|Local|20061122-194143_guest01|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|DEBUG: NODEBUG
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|VD_hangup : 20061122-194143_guest01 Local/78600052@default-5b5e,1 2 4143
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|-- VDhangup Local DEBUG: |PRI|20061122-194143_guest01||0|
2006-11-22 19:42:03|VD_hangup.agi|+++++ VDAD START LOCAL CHANNEL: EXITING- 2
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|0|SALESLINE-----8885830884-----Closer-----park----------999-----1
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- callerid = 5000
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- calleridname = guest01
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- channel = SIP/5000-007c0950
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- dnid = 18885830884
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- extension = 18885830884
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- priority = 4
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- request = agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- type = SIP
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164195766.8
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|AGI Variables: |1164195766.8|SIP/5000-007c0950|18885830884|SIP|Closer|
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|+++++ INBOUND CALL VDCL STARTED : |SALESLINE|Closer-8885830884|2006-11-22 19:42:47
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi||select LAST_INSERT_ID() LIMIT 1;|164991|
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi|callerID changed: Y1122194247000164991
2006-11-22 19:42:47|agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi||INSERT INTO vicidial_auto_calls values('','','SALESLINE','LIVE','164991','1164
195766.8','Y1122194247000164991','SIP/5000-007c0950','1','guest01','2006-11-22 19:42:47','IN')|
[root@asterisk210 astguiclient]# tail agiout.2006-11-22 -n 40
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- extension = h
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- priority = 1
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- request = call_log.agi
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- type = SIP
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164198605.88
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi|AGI Variables: |1164198605.88|SIP/303306-0075d430|h|SIP|S0611222030048600051|
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi||CALL HUNG UP|
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi||DELETE from live_inbound where uniqueid='1164198605.88' and server_ip=''|
2006-11-22 21:42:39|call_log.agi|+++++ CALL LOG HUNGUP: |1164198605.88|SIP/303306-0075d430|h|2006-11-22 21:42:39|min: |
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi|0|PRI-----NODEBUG-----16---------------
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- callerid = unknown
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- calleridname = S0611222030048600051
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- channel = SIP/303306-0075d430
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- extension = h
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- priority = 2
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- request = VD_hangup.agi
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- type = SIP
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164198605.88
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Variables: |1164198605.88|SIP/303306-0075d430|h|SIP|S0611222030048600051|
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi|DEBUG: NODEBUG
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi|VD_hangup : S0611222030048600051 SIP/303306-0075d430 2 48600051
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi||SELECT lead_id,callerid FROM vicidial_auto_calls where uniqueid = '1164198605.88' limit 1;|
2006-11-22 21:42:39|VD_hangup.agi|VD hangup: no VDAC record found: 1164198605.88 S0611222030048600051
Posts: 1926
Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:24 am
Location: Manila, 1004

Postby mflorell » Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:34 am

does the agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi script just stop after the INSERT INTO vicidial_auto_calls portion the second time around?

What version of asterisk-perl module are you using?
Site Admin
Posts: 18400
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:45 pm
Location: Florida


Postby nekder » Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:07 pm

hello Alexr

i have the same problem that you had before

but i missed the part where you solve it

could you please give me a hand with this?

my screen doesnt show the wainting agents, only shows the paused agents
even if they are actually online and waiting for calls

thank you.
Posts: 55
Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:59 pm

No available balance agent found

Postby khurramb » Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:49 am

I'm facing the same issue with inbound call transfer to Logged in Agents. I have two agents logged in but when call comes in it prompts' Your call is very importance to us' but never transfer call to agent. I have selected the closer group when both agents log in and here 'You are currently the only person in conference'. I have given TEST_IN name to both in-group and campaign.

Code: Select all
exten => 12345,n,AGI(agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi,CIDLOOKUPPRC-----LB-----TEST_IN-----12345-----Closer-----park----------999-----1-----TEST_IN)

Code: Select all
2 agents logged in         0 agents in calls        2 agents waiting       0 paused agents     

VICIDIAL: Agents Time On Calls Campaign: TEST_IN                      2008-01-22 12:53:02

| STATION    | USER               | SESSIONID | STATUS   | SERVER IP       | CALL SERVER IP  | MM:SS   | CAMPAIGN   |
| IAX2/331   | 002                | 8600052   | READY    |    |                 |    0:21 | TEST_IN    |
| SIP/gs102  | 001                | 8600051   | CLOSER   |    |                 |    0:58 | TEST_IN    |
  2 agents logged in on all servers
  System Load Average: 1.46


2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|0|CIDLOOKUPPRC-----LB-----TEST_IN-----12345-----Closer---------------999-----1
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- accountcode =
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- callerid = 331
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- calleridname = 331
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- callington = 0
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- channel = SIP/
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- context = default
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- dnid = 12345
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- extension = 12345
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- language = en
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- priority = 4
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- request = agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- type = SIP
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi| -- uniqueid = 1200987339.9
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|AGI Variables: |1200987339.9|SIP/|12345|SIP|Closer|
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|+++++ INBOUND CALL VDCL STARTED : |TEST_IN|Closer-12345|2008-01-22 12:35:41
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|VDAD vicidial_list search |331|SELECT lead_id from vicidial_list where phone_number='331' order by modify_date limit 1;|
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|VDAD vicidial_list found |107|SELECT lead_id from vicidial_list where phone_number='331' order by modify_date limit 1;|
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi||SELECT campaign_id FROM vicidial_campaigns where active='Y' and campaign_allow_inbound='Y';|107|
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|callerID changed: Y0122123541000000107
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi||INSERT INTO vicidial_auto_calls (server_ip,campaign_id,status,lead_id,uniqueid,callerid,channel,phone_code,phone_number,call_time,call_type,stage) values('','TEST_IN','LIVE','107','1200987339.9','Y0122123541000000107','SIP/','1','331','2008-01-22 12:35:41','IN','LIVE-0')|
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi||INSERT INTO vicidial_closer_log (lead_id,campaign_id,call_date,start_epoch,status,phone_code,phone_number,user,processed) values('107','TEST_IN','2008-01-22 12:35:41','1200987341','QUEUE','1','331','VDCL','N')|
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|-- VDCL : |107|insert to vicidial_closer_log
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi||SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and campaign_id = 'TEST_IN' and call_time < "2008-01-22 12:35:41" and lead_id != '107';|
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|-- VDAD get agent: |360|0|1|0E0|update of vla table: TEST_IN|
|UPDATE vicidial_live_agents set status='QUEUE',lead_id='107',uniqueid='1200987339.9', channel='SIP/', callerid='Y0122123541000000107', call_server_ip='' where status IN('CLOSER','READY') and campaign_id IN('TEST_IN') and closer_campaigns LIKE "% TEST_IN %" and last_update_time > '20080122123536' order by random_id limit 1;|
2008-01-22 12:35:41|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|NNNNN No available balance agent found

It keeps on saying 'No available balance agent found' ... Can any one suggest what I'm missing?

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:37 am

Postby seaq » Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:09 am

check your vicidial_autocalls table, maybe there's a stuck call in there.
Posts: 86
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:27 pm

Postby mflorell » Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:10 pm

Do you have an in-group called TEST_IN?
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Posts: 18400
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:45 pm
Location: Florida

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