Vicidial management help

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Vicidial management help

Postby Alexvs » Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:28 am


I work for a call centre that is just in the process of having vicidial installed and I will be in charge of managing the system on the frontend e.g. user, campaign and list admin and have been unable to find the answer to some questions I have so was hoping I could get some assistance on here.

1) We are currently using softphones which we would like to continue to use, so firstly would our current setup of 3CX softphones be compatible with vicidial?

2) I will be creating campaigns and lists based on certain criteria e.g. age groups and gender and would like to schedule these to be dialled at certain times. Is this feature available? Or will the campaigns have to be created based on time where I set the start and end local dialling time for each?

3) When a campaign/list has been completed or we switch over campaign/list based on the schedule, will the agents have to physically do anything or will they just continue to receive calls without any interruption?

They're the only questions I haven't been able to answer myself currently after looking through the managers manual so would really appreciate any help you can provide.


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Postby mflorell » Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:46 pm

3CX softphones that I have seen are SIP compatible, so they should work.

Lists cannot be set to dial at only certain times of the day, although you can do this with some complex filter creation in Filters, you can do dialing time restrictions with campaigns.

How many lists and time restrictions do you want?

What is the version and build of your admin.php?
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Postby Alexvs » Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:56 am

That's good to know, we're having our first tests of the system today as it's now been installed so will soon find out if they're not.

I think initially we're just going to go with a single list so we can monitor productivity for rollout but the idea is to segment the data e.g. by location, gender, age etc. The way I have it pictured is each grouping is setup as a campaign (e.g. ages brackets, geographical location etc) and within that campaign we have 2 lists (gender split). It's either that or do a few campaigns (e.g. gender or location) and have all the age groupings as seperate lists which could be as many as 9-10 lists. This still needs to be finalised. The time restrictions are going to be based on best time to contact which I can hopefully base on human contact rates using the disposition codes so will be 2 hour time slots from 10:00 - 20:00.

I think if filtering can't be done we'll just have to make sure someone is always about to switch campaign/list according to a schedule that I decide. Is this easier enough to do? Unfortunately I've come from another company using a mainstream dialler so will probably have the wrong expectations so just need to try adapt my thinking towards vicidial and what is possible.

The admin.php details are:

VERSION: 2.2.1-237
BUILD: 100510-2015

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Postby mflorell » Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:20 am

It is actually very easy to activate and deactivate lists from the Campaign Detail screen, it is just a list of the lists and checkboxes and then you click to submit your changes. We have a client with over 450 lists that uses this dozens of times a day to activate/deactivate lists for a campaign very quickly.
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