not updated entries in vicidial_agent_log

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not updated entries in vicidial_agent_log

Postby vasix » Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:36 am

Hi Everybody

I just discovered I have a lot of entries in my vicidial_agent_log table with only pause_sec and pause_epoch populated, the rest (wait, talk, dispo, dead, status, sub_status) are NULL.
My campaigns are using "Agent Pause Codes Active => Force" and have Pause Codes properly defined.

I am using:

1xDell 2850 2x3.0 Ghz / 4GB Ram / 2x74GB SCSI for DB Server
1xDell 2650 2x3.0 Ghz / 4GB Ram / 2x74GB SCSI for WEB Server
3xDell 6850 4x3.0 Ghz / 8GB Ram / 2x74GB SCSI for Asterisk Dialer (chose them with more power as we record 100% of calls and have a lot of IVRs)

The load is an average of 0.5 for Dialers, 0.3 for DB and 0.2 for WWW

VERSION: 2.2.0-234
BUILD: 100116-0718

Any idea why this records are not updated properly?
After investigating with the agent I can only confirm no unusual event happened (agent logged in, chose ingroups, take calls, dispo, etc)

Thank you,
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Postby mflorell » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:26 am

I would suggest upgrading to the actual 2.2.1 release since a lot was changed related to agent logging between the version you have and the release.
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Postby williamconley » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:31 am

1) thanks for posting your vicidial version and build (the most important pieces of the puzzle). in future (and on your next post in this topic!) please post all your system specs. the cost of the "Free Support!". :)

2) you should seriously consider updating to the latest version of your branch (or to the SVN trunk!). 2.2.X is now in 2.2.1 and has many fixed items. 2.4.x is trunk and has REALLLLY cool stuff. (in addition to the bugs which were fixed in the 2.2.X branch).

directions for using SVN to upgrade to the latest trunk are available in the VICIDIAL Wiki (link at top of this screen). Takes 5 minutes :) (mostly reading and download!)

3) have you tried off-time testing to duplicate the issue and see if you can find it? (although reliably duplicating a bug on an old branch ... could be a waste of time as the bug would likely have already been fixed ... :)

4) Matt can you move this post to "Support" and out of "General Discussion"? :)
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Postby vasix » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:45 am

Hi Matt/William

Thanks for fast response!
Please detail what do you need more about my system (above type of servers/load and vicidial version/build) and will gladly provide them.
In the mean time I will plan the upgrade to 2.2.1

Tried to isolate the bug myself but did not succeed.

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Postby williamconley » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:49 am

Similar to This:
Vicibox X.X from .iso | Vicidial X.X.X Build XXXX | Asterisk X.X.X | Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation

I would recommend the update and then see if the bug happens again. If it doesn't you fixed the bug and have a more stable system. If you upgrade to 2.4 you'll also have a fairly wide array of new features. :)
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Postby vasix » Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:13 am

updated astguiclient to VERSION: 2.2.0-234 / BUILD: 100116-0718
asterisk is
load balanced install with 1 DB / 1 WWW / 3 ASTERISK servers
no TDM cards installed (using another 2 FREEPBX machines in front of dialers to take calls from 8 ISDN trunks and several SIP trunks as well)
using g711/g729/gsm codecs
the 3 Asterisk dialers are sync'ed with Sangoma VoiceTime USB
no extra software installed on Vicidial machines

we have ~40 agents logged and at peak 65-70 active calls (with ~30 calls waiting of course), mostly handling inbound
setup is pretty stable now (spent some time shaping it) and I have to think very seriously about upgrading procedure, since we modified some reports, etc

I'm looking in the UPDRADE file from astguiclient 2.2.1 package, and see "UPGRADING FROM 2.0.5 TO 2.2.0" is the last instruction set; from 2.20 to 2.2.1 the DB remains the same, only scripts are different?

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Postby williamconley » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:07 am

if the 2.2.1 has no db upgrade script, it is likely that you can get away with not upgrading the db. you'd do well to test it when the system is idle and see if individual tests work smoothly.

generally if the level is update (2.2.X vs 2.X.X) you can leave the DB alone and just upgrade the scripts. also generally any of the old scripts in an update will still work (so if you want to just try USING the previously modified reports, they may work nicely).

as long as you do solid backups first you should be happy with the results. i've never had an upgrade or update fail so far (as long as we stay away from vicidialnow's agc2 interface, and as long as there isn't a BUG in the newer version! LOL but 2.2.1 seems quite clean).
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