Kernel building issues

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Kernel building issues

Postby dev_4901 » Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:18 pm

Hi guys,

Can anyone of you great guys who have successfully compiled new kernel on either SATA drives or SCSI drives, please send me the .config file from the new kernel's directory.
It'll help me to judge where I'm going wrong.

I have a PIV dual core , 2 GB RAM, 73 GB SCSI with Adaptec card / also 73 GB SATA and the MBD is Intel D102GGC2 ATI* Radeon* Xpress 200 Chipset. I also have an Intel DG965 RY Mbd which I can use.
Also, I am not using any cards for timing, only ztdummy.

I am at my wits end to get the new kernel working. I do get either the adaptec.s or sata.i to work as the default kernel.

Have tried different versions right from to 2.6.18, but i keep getting KERNEL PANIC. Have also nearly googled my a** off to get past these. The errors vary from :

ata3: command 0x25 timeout, stat 0x50 host_stat 0x64
ata3: command 0x25 timeout, stat 0x50 host_stat 0x64
ata3: command 0x25 timeout, stat 0x50 host_stat 0x64


aic7xxx_ABORT returned 0x2002
commnad already completed

aic7xxx_DEV_RESET returned 0x2002
command not found

aic7xxx_ABORT returned 0x2002
command already completed

............... and so on and so forth.

Please do mail me at or Also do include your hardware specs and the kernel version if u can.

Eagerly waiting for some help.

Dev Singhal.
Posts: 58
Joined: Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:48 am
Location: New Delhi, India

Postby mflorell » Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:30 pm

building a kernel can be very difficult. You should take the output of "lspci" and post it to a Linux forum that might cover this.
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Postby dev_4901 » Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:35 pm

Hi Matt,
Thanx for the quick reply.
I've already posted on, but there was no solution from there.
I'm still stuck and no where near my deadlines.
I would be very grateful if you could mail me the .config file if you could.

Thanx again.

Dev Singhal
Posts: 58
Joined: Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:48 am
Location: New Delhi, India

Postby mflorell » Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:40 pm

My .config file isn't going to do much for you since I use different hardware. You need to figure out what drivers you need for your hardware. This is usually done by searching for the items that are in your "lspci" output and seeing what needs to be installed for eah one.

With a new set of hardware I have spent a couple days before just figuring out which drivers work best for it.
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