To be fair, he DID ask you if he could use it and HE had no way of knowing that there were "pieces" that don't cross from GoAutoDial to VICIdial's latest version unless you tell him.
In the US we are "responsible for knowing all the Federal and State laws and all the County and City ordinances ..." But who can read all that? most of us just try to use common sense. But how is the average user going to "just know" that the INTERFACE will not work from one distro of VICIdial to the next without scraping through every forum? (It's not like they could stop when they get to the interface, because what ELSE is not compatible? they would have to KNOW that was the only thing ... and noobs are ANYTHING but psychic, seriously ...).
So to be fair, it may have been nice to mention to him when he asked if he could use 2.4 to say "Yes, but you'll have to give up the Cool agent interface ....". And a statement on your site clearly indicating that if they go with YOUR distro, they get your carrier link, the cool interface AND CentOS (the only Redhat related distro of VICIdial on an .iso).
I mean, those are the selling points, right?
I think it's a valid suggestion, personally.