This I assume will reset the list according to Dial Status selected in the Campaign.
Let me help you understand what "reset" will do: Modify your list and look at the columns that say "Called" and "Not Called". Resetting the list will ONLY move all the calls that are in the "Called" column to the "Not Called" column. It will not take into account the status, or make any other decisions: It will merely move them ALL from one column to the other so they appear as NOT called.
The decisionmaking process of "What do we call next" is in the CAMPAIGN, not in the list. The list is merely storage for the leads, with no logic or controls in it (except "Active" for the entire list).
Since the Campaign controls which leads to load into the hopper, that's where you want to look. (Which is why Matt has given your answer: use 2nd New for the list order. You will want to look this method up in the Manual which Matt wrote ... there are MANY details in there which will make your life simpler and save you time)
Remember that the "Add a Dial Status" list in the campaign will FILTER leads so they are unavailable or available to dial, but has no effect on which lead will be dialed next. Same with resetting the list, they become available (if they are in a dial status that has been chosen!) when reset, but this has nothing to do with Order.
That being said, thank you for posting most of your stats, most newbies overlook this simple concept to get help but please also post your
installation method (ie: name of .iso installer, with version).
You should also post: telephony hardware (model number is helpful here), cluster information if you have one, and whether any other software is installed in the box.