Server login screen shows v3.0.5 but I'm actually on v3.0.6?

Support forum for the ViciBox ISO Server Install and ISO LiveCD Demo

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Server login screen shows v3.0.5 but I'm actually on v3.0.6?

Postby darryldale » Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:47 am

Have a new ViciBox that I purchased from ViciDial.

When I login to the server it shows on the login screen that I'm running:

ViciBox Redux v3.0.5

Browsing through the version announcement log I found the following:

Version 3.0.6 of ViciBox Redux and DB released. Contains these bugfixes:

- Updated to SVN v.2.4-283 Build 100929-1203

When I log into my ViciDial administration interface in the bottom left hand side I can see that I am running v2.4-283 Build 100929-1203 which leads me to believe that I'm actually on ViciBox Redux v3.0.6.

How do I verify if that is indeed the case? Just want to make sure I have all the appropriate information in my Sig line for posting.

My system specifics:
"Vici Express Box" purchased from ViciDial

Came loaded with:
ViciBox Redux v3.0.5
ViciDial 2.4-283 build 100929-1203
OpenSuse 11.3
Kernal v2.6.34.7-0.3-pae
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Postby williamconley » Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:51 pm

your ssh splash screen will have your installed vicibox version. BUT remember that vicibox is JUST an installer (that's what Kumba does, he makes the installer). but the version of viciDIAL is not locked, it can be upgraded during installation and you CAN end up with a later SVN version if you update the os and SVN during installation. under those circumstances, you'll get the latest SVN which may not match the installer version at all.

and if you update/upgrade later it definitely won't match any more.

the only reason to know the installer version is in case of known bugs during install or perhaps package changes with the "evolution" of the installer.
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Postby Kumba » Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:03 am

You can use 3.0.5 or 3.0.6. There are no major differences between the two after installation. The version numbers are there to help keep track of the base OS, installer version, and bug fixes. The actual ViciDial part is somewhat abstract from all that.
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