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mflorell wrote:We use Group Aliases for this(admin.php Admin -> Phones -> Group Aliases), and the agent cal select the callerID they want to use with every manual call they place through the ViciDial agent screen.
If you want it to be numeric-prefix-based, then you can set that up in carriers, just be sure you are specifying the caller id NUMBER and not NAME or generic caller ID, because changing the name or complete callerid can break ViciDial.
williamconley wrote:have you demonstrated your ability to change the callerid via the vicidial campaign callerid settings? (to be sure your provider isn't "overriding" these settings)?
also: please show your dialplan for this carrier and the number that was dialed (cli output may be handy for this, to be sure we're not missing something, show the "dial command" and resulting line or two showing the dial/making progress lines)
williamconley wrote:It is impossible to transmit callerid name. If you "had it working" through a specific setup, you likely had an "accidental" shared network between the phone receiving the call and the provider generating the call. What I mean by that is that your VOIP Provider and your cell phone provider happened to share a network and transferred the data.
Beyond a freak coincidence like that, it is generally impossible to actually transmit callerid name.
ALL telephone companies DUMP the callerid name data and substitute with their own internal database references (otherwise every call you get on your cell or home phone would be from "Best Viagra!" and "Free Vacation!!!", right?).
That being said: If you just want to mimic what you had before (and then just for the heck of it, check it out on ANOTHER cell phone on another network to see if it actually works there, too), you will need to insert another server between you and your provider or make arrangements with your provider to override the name within their system (some have an interface allowing this, but not many).
If you have a spare server and install PURE asterisk (or install vicidial but don't use any vicidial functions, just pass the calls through and modify the callerid name while doing it) you can accomplish this. It is also theoretically possible to loop the call through your own box to do this as well. Both are moderately complex, but the loop through your own box is much cheaper for hardware. But it doubles your call load, in theory.
williamconley wrote:I will concede that it's possible that Canadian Telecoms may be different ... but then again, were you already in the "phone book" for those devices? Try changing it to "Dareeel"
Sending a NUMBER is doable, it's just the name that has proven impossible to control (unless you purchase a phone from a landline company and list your corporate name as what you want to display ... then use THAT phone number as your callerid)
mflorell wrote:Some Canadian carriers allow for real-time sending of CIDname. If you want to be able to send CIDname with ViciDial then you have to make some manual dialplan changes and use the special loopback-no-log context included in the default extensions.conf(you will need to uncomment the exten lines):
; This context is to accept calls that have already been logged in another context in Vicidial
; and has been sent through one of the loopbacks. This is why this context is missing the h extension.
; Do not put any extensions in this context unless you specifically understand what this means.
; special Canadian PRI callerIDname settings FOR USE IN LOOPBACK CONTEXT ONLY
;exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(name)="ACME Widgets")
;exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,AGI(agi-CANADA_PRI_CIDname.agi)
;exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(${TRUNKX}/${EXTEN:1},,To)
;exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Hangup
Make sure you have your Dial commands in your carrier settings go through the loopback IAX trunk:
; dial a USA long distance outbound number through the loopback-no-log context
; exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi://
; exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(${TRUNKloop}/888${EXTEN:2},55,o)
; exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,3,Hangup
;exten => 888NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(loopback-no-log,91${EXTEN:3},1)
We have set this up for several Canadian clients and it does work well, but it also adds load to the system.
It should be mentioned that Canada is the ONLY country in the world we have found that allows CIDname to be set dynamically per call, and not all Canadian carriers allow for it.
Just for some clarification on this:mflorell wrote:Some Canadian carriers allow for real-time sending of CIDname. If you want to be able to send CIDname with ViciDial then you have to make some manual dialplan changes and use the special loopback-no-log context included in the default extensions.conf(you will need to uncomment the exten lines):
It should be mentioned that Canada is the ONLY country in the world we have found that allows CIDname to be set dynamically per call, and not all Canadian carriers allow for it.
mflorell wrote:What was your previous dialer?
Who was your previous carrier?
mflorell wrote:Some Canadian carriers allow for real-time sending of CIDname. If you want to be able to send CIDname with ViciDial then you have to make some manual dialplan changes and use the special loopback-no-log context included in the default extensions.conf(you will need to uncomment the exten lines):
; This context is to accept calls that have already been logged in another context in Vicidial
; and has been sent through one of the loopbacks. This is why this context is missing the h extension.
; Do not put any extensions in this context unless you specifically understand what this means.
; special Canadian PRI callerIDname settings FOR USE IN LOOPBACK CONTEXT ONLY
;exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(name)="ACME Widgets")
;exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,AGI(agi-CANADA_PRI_CIDname.agi)
;exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(${TRUNKX}/${EXTEN:1},,To)
;exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Hangup
Make sure you have your Dial commands in your carrier settings go through the loopback IAX trunk:
; dial a USA long distance outbound number through the loopback-no-log context
; exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi://
; exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(${TRUNKloop}/888${EXTEN:2},55,o)
; exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,3,Hangup
;exten => 888NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(loopback-no-log,91${EXTEN:3},1)
simonc wrote:do we need to add these inside our DIal Plan? I am not sure i understood .
This line will never execute. The call will terminate in the "dial" line and jump to the "h" extension. By the time it gets anywhere near priority 3 ... the call has ended (at which point setting the callerid is not particularly useful in my opinion).exten => _91XXXXXXXXXX,3,Set(CALLERID(num)=8557703325)
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