by mikejett » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:55 pm
$version = '2.4-301';
$build = '101128-0102';
Guys, I have addressed the issue of hangups going straight to the disposition screen. Here is documentation of the changes that I have made in vicidial.php:
Firstly, the function dialedcall_send_hangup(dispowindow,hotkeysused,altdispo,nodeletevdac)
the dispowindow argument passed to this function determines whether the disposition DIV is displayed or not.
This is the section we are concerned about in this function:
// if (dispowindow == 'NO')
// {
// }
/* else
if (auto_dial_level == 0)
if (document.vicidial_form.DiaLAltPhonE.checked==true)
reselect_alt_dial = 1;
reselect_alt_dial = 0;
if (document.vicidial_form.DiaLAltPhonE.checked==true)
reselect_alt_dial = 1;
reselect_alt_dial = 0;
} */
As you can see, I' ve commented out anything that would cause the dispo screen to be displayed at this time.
Next, we need to display a button that allows the agent to move on to the dispo screen. For this, I commented out the code that would display the "disabled" hangup button, and replace it with a button that sets open_dispo_screen to 1:
// document.getElementById("HangupControl").innerHTML = "<IMG SRC=\"./images/vdc_LB_hangupcustomer_OFF.gif\" border=0 alt=\"Hangup Customer\">";
document.getElementById("HangupControl").innerHTML = "<IMG SRC=\"./images/vdc_LB_dispo.gif\" border=0 onClick=\"javascript: open_dispo_screen = 1;\" alt=\"Dispostion Call\">";
Next, in the function DispoSelect_submit(), we re-add the code to turn the dispo button back into the "disabled" hangup button, in the appropriate section of the function where other DOM objects are displayed and taken away, so the agent cannot create two dispositions for the same record.
document.getElementById("HangupControl").innerHTML = "<IMG SRC=\"./images/vdc_LB_hangupcustomer_OFF.gif\" border=0 alt=\"Hangup Customer\">";
I'm not doing any alternate dialing in my campaign. Before you implement any change like this, you should make sure that you enable stuff that's relevant to alt_dialing, instead of just commenting out the whole block like I did, you should instead going through this section and commenting out each individual line that says open_dispo_screen=1;