Vicibox 3.1.8 Seperate Web / DB server user 6666 not working

Support forum for the ViciBox ISO Server Install and ISO LiveCD Demo

Moderators: enjay, williamconley, Staydog, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba

Vicibox 3.1.8 Seperate Web / DB server user 6666 not working

Postby OneLoveAmaru » Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:19 pm

Hi everyone,

I installed Vicibox 3.1.8 x64 version. I made one strictly for DB, said yes only to DB, turn off firewall and then no to everything else during the vicibox-install. I left EVERYTHING default. I said no to the large mysql install.

Then I installed another server just for the Web portion. I said yes to SVN, Web and Vtiger, Turn off firewall and no to DB, telephony, etc.
I used ALL DEFAULT settings.

astguiclient.conf on web server:
# Database connection information
VARDB_server =>
VARDB_database => asterisk
VARDB_user => cron
VARDB_pass => 1234

viciweb:~ # mysql -h -u cron -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 418
Server version: 5.1.46-log SUSE MySQL RPM

Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL v2 license

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


When I bring up

Invalid Username/Password: |6666|1234|

Any ideas? i tried a recursive grep through /var/log/ for any errors connecting to the database but didn't turn up anything. I did a grep on the web and db server.
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Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:13 pm

i note that you ENTERED mysql, but i do not see the result of "select * from vicidial_users;" after you entered.

also: did your system reboot after the installation of the web server?

also try ?DB=yes to see the db queries run during your logon attempt.
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Postby OneLoveAmaru » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:19 pm

Ahh... that's what I forgot to check. I checked to see is cron had permissions to log in but not the vicidial_users table. I just checked and it's empty. That's rather annoying.

Anyways, if anyone else has this problem, this did it for me: INSERT INTO vicidial_users (user,pass,full_name,user_level,user_group,load_leads,campaign_detail,ast_admin_access,modify_users) values('6666','1234','Admin','9','ADMIN','1','1','1','1');

William, while I have you, the database server has quite a few cron entries. Are they ALL needed since it's ONLY doing mysql?

Interestingly enough, the webserver doesn't have a single entry in its cron. That doesn't seem right to me. Shouldn't the webserver have all of the cron entries since it can connect to mysql and run the database related ones?

This is what the DB server has:

# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (rootcron installed on Sun Feb 20 11:12:34 2011)
# (Cron version V5.0 -- $Id: crontab.c,v 1.12 2004/01/23 18:56:42 vixie Exp $)
### keepalive script for astguiclient processes
* * * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/

### remove old vicidial logs and asterisk logs more than 2 days old
28 0 * * * /usr/bin/find /var/log/astguiclient -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime +2 -print | xargs rm -f
29 0 * * * /usr/bin/find /var/log/asterisk -maxdepth 3 -type f -mtime +2 -print | xargs rm -f
30 0 * * * /usr/bin/find / -maxdepth 1 -name "screenlog.0*" -mtime +4 -print | xargs rm -f
### fix the vicidial_agent_log once every hour and the full day run at night
33 * * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/
50 0 * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/ --last-24hours
## uncomment below if using QueueMetrics
#*/5 * * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/ --only-qm-live-call-check

### updater for VICIDIAL hopper
* * * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/ -q

### adjust the GMT offset for the leads in the vicidial_list table
1 1,7 * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/ --debug --postal-code-gmt

### optimize the database tables within the asterisk database
3 1 * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/

### VICIDIAL agent time log weekly summary report generation
2 0 * * 0 /usr/share/astguiclient/

### roll logs monthly on high-volume dialing systems
#30 1 1 * * /usr/share/astguiclient/

## uncomment below if using Vtiger
#1 1 * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/ --quiet

The webserver has nothing at all.
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Location: Tampa, FL

Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:42 pm

I think you will find that if the vicidial_users table has no entries, you need to do a full reinstall and find where it "crashed".

The multi-server install manual from Vicibox should be what you use to configure your db. But as has been observed on many occasions, there are several cron entries that must be run "somewhere" and several that have to run on specific machines. As long as they are all "somewhere" and the ones specific to Dialer are on ... the Dialers, you should be good. The database server running the queries seems to make sense to me, but if you want to have some OTHER machine initiate database queries, that's fine, too.

Each of the scripts in question has a comment section and options available, read the scripts and see which ones must run where. There are NONE that "must" run on the DB server.

If you don't want to do a full reinstall, find the vicidial_users insert statement in the original sql file ... and check the queries before and after it for execution before attempting production on this machine. Could save some embarrassment (like ... autodial working for instance).
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Postby OneLoveAmaru » Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:01 pm

I've read the cluster guide and the install guide(aka walk through). The cluster guide says to do vicibox-db to install but that command isn't found on the 3.1.8 x64 CD. However, I did try the 3.0.6 DB x64 CD and it had that command but I thought the later version would be better, so I ran through the vicibox-install, said yes to db and no to everything else. There wasn't a single error.

Should I use the 3.0.6 DB x64 CD to install?
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Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:09 pm

that's a dang good question. the problem lies in that the sql data may not have been added properly. you could check the install script and find where it SHOULD have executed, or check the sql file and see if it "partially" executed ... or both.

without that knowledge, we don't know if something is wrong ... or if this is a 'feature' and we don't understand what's happening. (missing step?)

besides: if you investigate and find a bug, you've helped out the community! If you investigate and find an undocumented step ... same thing! :) Post it here and let Kumba know.
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Postby OneLoveAmaru » Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:29 pm

I just did a fresh install of 3.1.8 x64 by booting up and doing an os-install.

The only vicibox commands are:

viciboxdb:~ # vici
vici-keys vicibox-install

viciboxdb:/usr/bin # whereis vicibox-install
vicibox-install: /usr/local/bin/vicibox-install

viciboxdb:/usr/bin # cd /usr/local/bin/
viciboxdb:/usr/local/bin # l
total 96
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Feb 8 12:01 ./
drwxrwxrwx 11 root root 4096 Feb 8 12:08 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1536 Feb 8 12:01 archive-setup*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 116 Feb 8 12:01 enable-archive*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44601 Feb 8 12:01 mysql-tuning*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1232 Feb 8 12:01 ngrep-sip*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 33 Feb 8 12:01 os-install*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 240 Feb 8 12:01 vici-keys*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 24277 Feb 8 12:01 vicibox-install*

So apparently no vicibox-db script is included with the regular Vicibox installs that don't have _DB in the name.

I will run through the vicibox-install now and see what happens.

First I ran a zypper up and installed all packages and then did a reboot.

viciboxdb:~ # vicibox-install

ViciBox Installer

You will now be asked some questions about how you want to install.

If you want to use SVN you will need an internet connection to download
the latest and greatest code. Updates will also be downloaded. This installer
is designed to be ran when the servers are in their final production
environment. If you install your servers and then move them you will need to
update the server IP's appropriately for it to function.

Do you want to continue? (y/N) : y

OK. Now I will ask some simple set-up questions to determine how I should
be installed.

We highly recommend updating the base OS distribution with the updates
available for OpenSuSE. If you want to run a newer kernel you will need
to recompile zaptel, wanpipe, and asterisk for the system to work.
We have included a script called asterisk-recompile you can run after
you install vicibox if you need to update the kernel.

Would you like to update the OS before installing ViciDial? (y/N) : n

By default, all new installs of ViciBox have the firewall enabled.
You will either need to disable the firewall or open up ports in order to do
multi-server configurations or access services externally. Unless this server
is going to be directly connected to the internet we recommend disabling the

Would you like to turn the built-in firewall off? (y/N) : y

ViciDial currently has two standard codebases. Version 2.2.1 is the latest
stable release of the software. There is also the SVN Trunk branch which
includes any new features and/or bugfixes. Any custom development or other
bug fixes done after the last stable release will be in SVN Trunk. We
normally recommend our customers use the SVN Trunk code base.

Do you want to use the SVN Trunk codebase? (y/N) : y

ViciBox can be installed in varying rolls depending upon your needs.
The following questions will ask you what role this particular server
is to play within your environment. If this server is NOT acting as the
DataBase then you need to wait until the Database server is up and
properly provisioned. This install WILL FAIL if the database is not
installed and provisioned prior to this installation. Please have the
DataBase IP available to complete the install.

Will this server be used as the Database? (y/N) : y

Will this server be used as a Web server? (y/N) : n

Will this server be used as a Telephony server? (y/N) : n

Your ViciBox Redux system will be configured as follows:

OS Update : n
Stop Firewall : y
Use SVN Code : y
Install Core DB : y
Install Web App : n
Install Telephony : n

If you plan to install and boot from a new kernel you will need
to recompile libPRI, DAHDI, Wanpipe, and Asterisk after installation.

The system will give you instructions as it progresses on certain key
combinations to enter for proper installation. This installer will
automatically pause at those instructions.

--- Press Enter to continue or CTRL-C to exit ---

Configuring general system

Configuring Firewall

Configuring general pre-requisites

Configuring DataBase Server pre-requisites
no crontab for root
CLI defined webroot path: /srv/www/htdocs
CLI active keepalive procs: 579
CLI copy conf files: YES

Would you like to use manual configuration and installation(y/n): [y] n
Writing to astguiclient.conf file: /etc/astguiclient.conf

Creating /usr/share/astguiclient/LEADS_IN directories...
Creating /var/spool/asterisk/monitor directories...
Creating /var/log/astguiclient/archive directory for backups...
Copying bin scripts to /usr/share/astguiclient ...
Copying libs to /usr/share/astguiclient ...
setting cron scripts to executable...
Copying extras files to /usr/share/astguiclient ...
Copying agi-bin scripts to /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin ...
setting agi-bin scripts to executable...
Copying sounds to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds...
Copying ip_relay scripts to /usr/share/astguiclient...
Setting ip_relay scripts to executable...
Starting ip_relay port forwarding for IAX on 40569 and 41569
Creating /srv/www/htdocs web directories...
Copying web files...
setting web scripts to executable...
Copying sample conf files to /etc/asterisk/...
Creating auto-generated placeholder conf files in /etc/asterisk/...


- process runtime (10 sec) (0.166666666666667 minutes)

This server is configured as a stand-along database. Do you want
to enable the large MySQL configuration? This should ONLY be enabled
when you have 16+ GB of RAM, 8+ CPU Cores, Hardware RAID-10, and
are using a dedicated physical database machine. Enabling this on
inadequate hardware will result in very poor database performance!

Do you want to enable large MySQL Configuration? (y/N) : n

another reboot here.

After the reboot, i dumped the asterisk database with mysqldump asterisk > asterisk.sql

I looked in there, there is LOTS of data, 2.1MB worth but NO vicidial_users in that table.


I will follow up after I install the vicibox_db iso on the server.
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Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:24 pm
Location: Tampa, FL

Postby OneLoveAmaru » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:04 pm

Installed using ViciBox_Redux_DB.x86_64-3.0.6.iso

zypper up then a reboot.

viciboxdb:~ # vicibox-db

ViciBox DataBase ONLY Installer

This installer WILL NOT install a telephony server!
This system is designed to act as the primary database only!
If you need to install a telephony server, use the 32-bit version of ViciBox.

You will now be asked some questions about how you want to install.

If you want to use SVN you will need an internet connection to download
the latest and greatest code. Updates will also be downloaded. This installer
is designed to be ran when the servers are in their final production
environment. If you install your servers and then move them you will need to
update the server IP's appropriately for it to function.

Do you want to continue? (y/N) : y

OK. Now I will ask some simple set-up questions to determine how I should
be installed.

Would you like to update the OS before installing ViciDial? (y/N) : n

By default, all new installs of ViciBox have the firewall enabled.
You will either need to disable the firewall or open up ports in order to do
multi-server configurations or access services externally. Unless this server
is going to be directly connected to the internet we recommend disabling the

It is also a VERY VERY BAD IDEA to have your database directly on the Internet!

Would you like to turn the built-in firewall off? (y/N) : y

ViciDial currently has two standard codebases. Version 2.2.1 is the latest
stable release of the software. There is also the SVN Trunk branch which
includes any new features and/or bugfixes. Any custom development or other
bug fixes done after the last stable release will be in SVN Trunk. We
normally recommend our customers use the SVN Trunk code base.

Do you want to use the SVN Trunk codebase? (y/N) : y
Do you want to install VTigerCRM v.5.1.0? (y/N) : y

Your ViciBox Redux DataBase will be configured as follows:

OS Update : n
Stop Firewall : y
Use SVN Code : y
Install VTiger : y

The system will give you instructions as it progresses on certain key
combinations to enter for proper installation. This installer will
automatically pause at those instructions.

--- Press Enter to continue or CTRL-C to exit ---

Configuring Firewall
Installing required PERL modules
Installing general requirements
Installing DataBase Server
\no crontab for root
Installing Web Server
Installing VTiger 5.1.0 with ViciDial Patch
CLI defined webroot path: /srv/www/htdocs
CLI active keepalive procs: 579
CLI copy conf files: YES

Would you like to use manual configuration and installation(y/n): [y] n
Writing to astguiclient.conf file: /etc/astguiclient.conf

Creating /usr/share/astguiclient/LEADS_IN directories...
Creating /var/spool/asterisk/monitor directories...
Creating /var/log/astguiclient/archive directory for backups...
Copying bin scripts to /usr/share/astguiclient ...
Copying libs to /usr/share/astguiclient ...
setting cron scripts to executable...
Copying extras files to /usr/share/astguiclient ...
Copying agi-bin scripts to /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin ...
cp: target `/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/' is not a directory
setting agi-bin scripts to executable...
chmod: cannot access `/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/*': No such file or directory
Copying sounds to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds...
cp: target `/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/' is not a directory
Copying ip_relay scripts to /usr/share/astguiclient...
Setting ip_relay scripts to executable...
Starting ip_relay port forwarding for IAX on 40569 and 41569
Creating /srv/www/htdocs web directories...
Copying web files...
setting web scripts to executable...
Copying sample conf files to /etc/asterisk/...
Creating auto-generated placeholder conf files in /etc/asterisk/...


- process runtime (45 sec) (0.75 minutes)
CLI defined old server IP:
Previous astGUIclient configuration file found at: /etc/astguiclient.conf
Writing change to astguiclient.conf file: /etc/astguiclient.conf

Updating servers table...
|1|UPDATE servers SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating phones table...
|0E0|UPDATE phones SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating inbound_numbers table...
|0E0|UPDATE inbound_numbers SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating server_updater table...
|0E0|UPDATE server_updater SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating conferences table...
|0E0|UPDATE conferences SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating vicidial_conferences table...
|0E0|UPDATE vicidial_conferences SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating vicidial_stations table...
|0E0|UPDATE vicidial_stations SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating vicidial_remote_agents table...
|0E0|UPDATE vicidial_remote_agents SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating phone_favorites table...
|0E0|UPDATE phone_favorites SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating vicidial_server_trunks table...
|0E0|UPDATE vicidial_server_trunks SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating vicidial_server_carriers table...
|0E0|UPDATE vicidial_server_carriers SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating vicidial_inbound_dids table...
|0E0|UPDATE vicidial_inbound_dids SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Updating vicidial_process_triggers table...
|0E0|UPDATE vicidial_process_triggers SET server_ip='' where server_ip='';|
Setting servers to rebuild conf files...
|1|UPDATE servers SET rebuild_conf_files='Y' where generate_vicidial_conf='Y' and active_asterisk_server='Y';|


- process runtime (1 sec) (0.0166666666666667 minutes)
You have mail in /var/mail/root

Interesting, lots more activity here. Reboot then I dumped the asterisk database with mysqldump asterisk > asterisk.sql

This time the file is 19MB. MUST larger than the 2.1MB from the ViciBox_Redux.x86_64-3.1.8.iso CD

In the dump there is also the 6666 Admin user present.

I guess ViciBox_Redux.x86_64-3.1.8.iso can't be used for the cluster set up.

Kumba, can you verify this is how it's supposed to be?
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Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:35 pm

Actually, what I meant was to nano or vim (edit) the actual install scripts and see where they part ways. I do know that the sep disk for the db install went away a short while ago. I think the sep command for a db install went away as well (especially considering that you say you didn't find one, combined with the fact that there is a q/a for db in the install script ...).

So ... edit the install scripts and see where the db install in one differs from the other (perhaps check the logs of each for hints) and then check the .sql file that is applied for each to see if you can find where one dies or if there is a difference between the two.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Postby OneLoveAmaru » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:42 pm

That's a lot of work. :) I'll save that for another night. In the meantime, the DB iso is under the archive folder on the download page.
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Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:51 pm

lol: by went away, i meant that kumba incorporated the functionality into the main .iso, rendering the sep one unnecessary. so there's only ONE .iso required now (well, two if you count 64bit and 32 bit separately)
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Postby Kumba » Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:32 pm

Install the DB, then install the primary telephony server, then try to log in to the web interface.

The default users, amongst other things, are installed by the primary telephony server. You can blame Matt for this one. He has all that stuff in the first_server_install.sql. All the MySQL_AST_CREATE_tables.sql does (which is all the DB-Role runs on setup) is create the schema.
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Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:33 pm

ya know, that actually makes sense. i mean ... if you have ONLY installed the db server, you should not be able to log in yet anyway. LOL
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Postby OneLoveAmaru » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:10 pm

As I said before, I installed the DB server with 3.1.8, then installed the Web Server with 3.1.8. That's when I cannot login. I need to install an Asterisk servers with the 3.1.8 disk before I can log in? That's doesn't make any sense to me.
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Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:27 pm

something must not be "firing" properly when you install the "web server".

does the web server's "admin->servers" entry appear after the web server install completes?
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Postby OneLoveAmaru » Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:18 pm

I can't log in with 6666, how would I see that?
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Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:22 pm

phpmyadmin or mysql directly

do ANY of the entries appear in the database?

perhaps you entered the db server credentials incorrectly?
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Postby Kumba » Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:27 pm

1) Database
2) Web Server
3) Primary Telephony Server
4) You can now log in

Feel free to debate amongst yourselves as much as you want, but that's what has to happen for it to work through the vicibox installer. Not sure why the above is such a problem unless you have a ViciDial cluster without any telephony servers. And if you do, the only thing that comes to mind is "Why".

You can just run "first_server_install.sql" under /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras and it will load the default users/settings/server/etc for you. This will however screw up your cluster when you decide to add a primary vicidial server using the vicibox-install method. So you have to either empty the DB out and reload, or bring in the server manually.

The web server does not get an entry under the server's tab. Only the DB and Telephony servers do.
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Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:47 pm

The web server does not get an entry under the server's tab. Only the DB and Telephony servers do.
eGads! I forgot about that entirely. :oops:
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Postby drg » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:16 pm

My database server creates an entry in server_updater when it reboots, but does not keep the time updated on that IP like the dialers do. The db_time on both dialers stays updated but I'm not sure thats actually coming from the database.

Is the db suppose to keep its time updated there or just have the 1 stamp on startup?

I'm using a clustered setup: 2 vici, 1 web, 1 db

I'm using ViciBox Redux 3.1.10 x32 bit on all the servers.
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