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williamconley wrote:1)
when you post, please post your entire configuration including (but not limited to) your installation method and vicidial version with build. (this is in the bottom left corner of almost every admin screen).
i'm not sure i would advise someone who can't FIND the proper vicidial.php file to actually modify it. this does not bode well. but if you insist on doing it, the goautodial agent screen is in the agc is the vicidial agent screen (the not-so-pretty stock version) is in agc. and the one in usr/src is the original before it was copied to the live website (handy as a backup for the original ... but that's not the goautodial version so be sure to COPY the original before you make changes!!).
Remember that this is NOT just an html page. It is php (which means it can contain programming that runs SERVER SIDE before being sent to the agent's web browser). It also has AJAX running on it (the agent screen sends a data request to the vicidial server every second, without reloading the entire page ... it just makes changes to the existing page based on the AJAX response). be careful what you change.
Thank you for posting almost all of your system specs! (You are obviously trying hard!). But you missed the Vicidial Build (similar to this: VERSION: 2.4-280 BUILD: 100912-0842, it's on the bottom left corner of the Admin screens).
williamconley wrote:Thank you for posting almost all of your system specs! (You are obviously trying hard!). But you missed the Vicidial Build (similar to this: VERSION: 2.4-280 BUILD: 100912-0842, it's on the bottom left corner of the Admin screens).
xirin6 wrote:What is you end goal. Custom fields ? or something else please describe in as much detail as you can.
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