where to change for agent interface

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where to change for agent interface

Postby sam111 » Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:03 am

i want to customize my goautodial Agent interface.but i am some confuse which php files i have to look for this.there are /var/www/html/agc or


usr/src/astguiclient/www/agc or vicidial.

which location i have to go for agent interface customization.
please guide me..

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Postby williamconley » Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:22 pm


when you post, please post your entire configuration including (but not limited to) your installation method and vicidial version with build. (this is in the bottom left corner of almost every admin screen).


i'm not sure i would advise someone who can't FIND the proper vicidial.php file to actually modify it. this does not bode well. but if you insist on doing it, the goautodial agent screen is in agc.new. the agc is the vicidial agent screen (the not-so-pretty stock version) is in agc. and the one in usr/src is the original before it was copied to the live website (handy as a backup for the original ... but that's not the goautodial version so be sure to COPY the original before you make changes!!).


Remember that this is NOT just an html page. It is php (which means it can contain programming that runs SERVER SIDE before being sent to the agent's web browser). It also has AJAX running on it (the agent screen sends a data request to the vicidial server every second, without reloading the entire page ... it just makes changes to the existing page based on the AJAX response). be careful what you change. 8)
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Postby sam111 » Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:21 pm

williamconley wrote:1)

when you post, please post your entire configuration including (but not limited to) your installation method and vicidial version with build. (this is in the bottom left corner of almost every admin screen).


i'm not sure i would advise someone who can't FIND the proper vicidial.php file to actually modify it. this does not bode well. but if you insist on doing it, the goautodial agent screen is in agc.new. the agc is the vicidial agent screen (the not-so-pretty stock version) is in agc. and the one in usr/src is the original before it was copied to the live website (handy as a backup for the original ... but that's not the goautodial version so be sure to COPY the original before you make changes!!).


Remember that this is NOT just an html page. It is php (which means it can contain programming that runs SERVER SIDE before being sent to the agent's web browser). It also has AJAX running on it (the agent screen sends a data request to the vicidial server every second, without reloading the entire page ... it just makes changes to the existing page based on the AJAX response). be careful what you change. 8)

I am using
Vicidial 2.2.1
Dahdi 2.3
VtigerCRM 5.1.0
Sangoma 3.5.14
CentOS 5.5 as base (modified kernel as usual)

i am confuse.because i made some changes on /var/www/html/agc.new/vicidial.php OR /var/www/html/agc/vicidial.php in agent interface its not going to reflect on agent interface.
there is also usr/src/astguiclient/www/agc/vicidial.php.having same files.
please guide me for where from i can make exact modification in agent interface..

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Postby williamconley » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:29 am

Thank you for posting almost all of your system specs! (You are obviously trying hard!). But you missed the Vicidial Build (similar to this: VERSION: 2.4-280 BUILD: 100912-0842, it's on the bottom left corner of the Admin screens).
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Postby sam111 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:26 am

williamconley wrote:
Thank you for posting almost all of your system specs! (You are obviously trying hard!). But you missed the Vicidial Build (similar to this: VERSION: 2.4-280 BUILD: 100912-0842, it's on the bottom left corner of the Admin screens).

I am not getting what you want to say.please make me clear...
guide me please..
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changes to agent screen

Postby xirin6 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:08 pm

What is you end goal. Custom fields ? or something else please describe in as much detail as you can.
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Re: changes to agent screen

Postby sam111 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:59 am

xirin6 wrote:What is you end goal. Custom fields ? or something else please describe in as much detail as you can.

My end goal is to integrate a database and agent Interface created in .NET to this asterisk server for Routing the call(make call)..please provide me all step by step details how to integrate external Database or interface to asterisk server...provide me all document and link related to this,.......thank,s
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changes to agent screen

Postby xirin6 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:08 pm

I am still unclear if you are looking to create a new front end gui for Vicidial using the existing db structure this project will require quite a large amount of knowledge of how Vicidial scripts interact. You will need to look in the database, bin and www directories to start. You will want to fully understand the operation of how vicidial interacts will each and every script and Database transaction.
If you are trying to re-invent the wheel or just change it to fit you business needs the directions would require much more than a simple email to explain how to.
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Postby williamconley » Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:33 pm

all documentation for vicidial is in the manager's manual and the docs folder in sources.

this includes the agent api and the non-agent api.

any functions NOT included in the two api's ... you'll have to create yourself.

none of it is .NET savvy.
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