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show dialplan 900@default
exten => 900,1,Dial(SIP/900|60|)
exten => 900,2,Goto(default,85026666666666900,1)
step 1: is "#include extensions-vicidial.conf" in "extensions.conf"?
step 2: is "include => vicidial-auto" in extensions.conf under [default]?
you should open another thread for this, really. inbound is covered in the manual. the biggest step is to convince your provider to SEND the calls to YOUR server. This can be done by registration, by a setting on their control panel, or talking to your salesguy ... depending on their setup. When you have managed THAT, and have activity in your SIP debug (any activity) when a call arrives at that phone number, then you can just change the context for that carrier to "trunkinbound" and vicidial will usually just do the rest.The other question is how to create inbound calls, for example i have a number and if i dial in my asterisk i didnt receive any calls, what can i do???
[ Context 'vicidial-auto' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'102' => 1. Dial(SIP/gs102|60|) [pbx_config]
2. Goto(default|85026666666666102|1) [pbx_config]
'800' => 1. Dial(SIP/800|60|) [pbx_config]
2. Goto(default|800|1) [pbx_config]
'900' => 1. Dial(SIP/900|60|) [pbx_config]
2. Goto(default|900|1) [pbx_config]
show dialplan 900@default
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