Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
williamconley wrote:Have you made this card dial in Asterisk before attempting dialer calls?
richmac wrote:hi williamconley,
Yes, ...
Now, the TELCO said that our end is the problem. And they said that supposedly instead of "TOINK" like sound their is recording "The number you dial is not used" or any warning message recording and they said that our end is terminating that recording.
Vici Dialer Server -> Gateway or Asterisk Server(attached the card)->TELCO
THEN consider adding vicidial to the mix. Until your asterisk server can dial through this card, you are wasting your time attempting to troubleshoot vicidial which is not actually even involved in the process.Asterisk Server(attached the card)->TELCO
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