RAID 1 with GoAutodial CE 2.0 Final

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RAID 1 with GoAutodial CE 2.0 Final

Postby enavaro » Thu May 12, 2011 11:56 pm

Hello community,

I have Quad Core 4gig RAM and 2x 500gb Sata HDD. 10 agents outbound campaign. I also downloaded GoAutodial CE 2.0 Final now my question is how can I use this ISO to create a RAID 1 setup and installation will continue?

I don't know if this is the right place to ask help regarding RAID setup, but installer like GoAutodial helps alot in terms of time and uncomplicated installation process.


By the way I check with the docs that comes with GoAutodial, the RAID document is for OpenSuse 10.3 base and for Scratch Install Vicidial setup.
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Postby gardo » Fri May 13, 2011 6:24 pm

If your server has hardware RAID 1 then you need to set it up on your server's BIOS. You can then install GoAutoDial normally once your hardware RAID 1 is properly setup.
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Postby williamconley » Sat May 21, 2011 10:19 pm

I will say that RAID10 is worthy, but RAID1 is not so much. The normal "problems" with Vicidial are not so much just that the hard drive died, but that the data became corrupted in some fashion. So having a spare hard drive with that corrupted data copied onto it immediately is counterproductive, and not worth paying the extra write time for (since your server will have to slow down to write every change in two places at all times). A better solution may be to have a spare complete duplicate hard drive to which you write your daily backups (and perhaps even hourly mysql backups, or perhaps mysql replication during low processor usage ... something along those lines). Then if the data becomes corrupted, you still have a valid copy of a recent set.

If you read up on RAID on this forum, you will find Matt's multiple recommendations for RAID10 and the 15k rpm SAS drives which should be used.
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Postby scenarist » Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:44 am

I have hp server and I have no hardware raid. I have installed Goautodial 2.1 and are there possibilites to install software raid1 mode?
If I don't have possibilities to install software raid ,then I think that is the best solution to configure backup. Can anyone give me some recommendations and guidelines how to configure backup?
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Postby williamconley » Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:16 am

1) Software RAID is NOT viable for Vicidial. Don't even attempt it.

2) Read the manual, backup is in /usr/share/astguiclient along with all the other perl scripts. Execute any script in that folder with "--help" as an option to get the possible command line switches. You can also read the documentation in /usr/src/astguiclient/VERSION/docs in addition to the manual on
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