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We have had this requested by several people, but when it comes to the details of how to do it they all get fuzzy.
- What event triggers the setting of that "dead lead" status?
- hangup on Xth call attempt
- crontab timer even that runs every few minutes?
- end of day process?
- What statuses do you want to be changed?
- I assume that SALEs and DNCs that are a result of the Xth attempt you would not want the status changed on, correct?
- What happens if you change this from 20 to 15?
- would the process have to go over the ones you already called that are higher than 15 and make them dead leads too?
- What about the reverse, how would you handle changing from 15 to 20? How would you reactivate those leads and what status would you change them to?
There are a lot more questions than just these, and when we ask them we never seem to get a response to all of them.
-called count
-contrab with timer once a day would be fine in our case, don't know what the impact is on the system of running it every few minutes
-only change dialstatuses defined in the campaign modify screen, like you said we only want to do this for non-definitive statuses and not for statuses like SALE and DNC.
-Yes i think if change the setting from 20 to 15 then all leads with 15+ attempts should be immediately changed to the max attempts status, so in this case the script should run immediately after changing the setting
-Doing the reverse i think you should change them to a status called 'Recycled'. This is something that actually happens a lot when we are through the leads and still have agents who need to call on a project and there are a lot of leads who have not been reached.
I think the script could even be more advanced in the sense that it not only looks at the called_count but also looks at the last status. For instance if the last status was a callback maybe then it should not change the status. Idea: right now in the statuses there is a checkbox for 'human answer' y/n. I think the script should take this into consideration as well when deciding if it should change the the status or not. So if the max attempts setting is set to 10 and the 10th contact is a callback then script should allow for another extra X attempts. Maybe this could be a setting in the campaign modify screen as well: 'number of additional attempts' (or something like that).
Looking forward to any other questions
As a simple crontab process run at night and altering only the Campaign's Dial Statuses this would probably take about 3 hours to complete.
As for triggering the script to run immediately on a change to a lower or higher number, that would add another 2 hours.
As for your more advanced options(another X attempts), we would need to define those more before I could quote time.
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