Vicidial Remote acess

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Vicidial Remote acess

Postby albokos » Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:47 am


Have someone ever setup a remote access (web + sip)? i have a client that askasked for this. i've tied a lot of things and finally succeded using a VPN connection with OpenVPN. It works great. Any other idea of how to do this? thanks
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Postby okli » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:03 pm

What do you mean by "remote access"? What's the problem apache and asterisk to listen to a public IP? Or if behind a router/NAT to forward the relevant ports to the local IP?

You may have to provide more details about the current configuration and what exactly you want to accomplish.
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Postby williamconley » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:57 pm

remote access web; forward port 80 through your firewall to vicidial

remote access sip; forward port 5060 TCP and 10000-25000 UDP through your firewall to vicidial (but beware as double NAT may cause issues if your router is not savvy ... in which case you switch to IAX and TCP port 4569)
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Postby scenarist » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:52 pm

I have the following situation:
LAN network with one Elastix server and one Goautodial server.
I also have one STATIC IP address.
I have successfully configured remote access to elastix server (I setup only port forwarding in router for web port 443 and ssh port 22 to local ip address of elastix) and everything is fine.

But how can I do the same thing for Goautodial server.? Which web port and ssh port I will use to remote access to goautodial ?? I tried to setup port forwarding in router for some other web ports like 1085,1381,3128,8000,8010,8080,8090,8383,9090 but nothing, also I tried with ssh ports 20,21,23,123 but not success ?
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Postby striker » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:27 am

if you are using different ssh port for ssh access t goautodial then also define the same port in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config of goautodial.
as port 23

for web you can portforward port 80 Telegram/skype id : striker24x7
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