[HELP]What agi-VDADcloser_inbound script to use for IAX trk?

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[HELP]What agi-VDADcloser_inbound script to use for IAX trk?

Postby AlexR » Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:48 am


I am currently using vicidial 2.0.3b right now, and i have the following setup:


I have calls forwarded from the PSTN (E1 trunk) to the VICIDIAL box. But as soon as calls go into agi-VDADcloser_inbound script the call ends. It seems i might not be using the correct script.

Matt, which one do you suggest for using in this scenario?

Thank you for your help!!

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Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:02 pm

Found solution!

Postby AlexR » Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:01 pm

Hello All, I just wanted to post that i have found the solution:

You can use the same agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi that you use in "normal" setups.

What happened was this

My IAX2 trunk was named "iaxlocaltrunk" and inside agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi the code reads:

Code: Select all
if ($channel =~ /Local/i)
if ($AGILOG) {$agi_string = "+++++ VDAD START LOCAL CHANNEL: EXITING- $priority";   &agi_output;}

So if the call comes from a trunk that has LOCAL on its name, it just wont work!

I just renamed the trunk... and we are good to go!

Thank you everyone!!

Posts: 127
Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:02 pm

Postby mflorell » Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:11 am

Is your trunk registered?

Are you using the same Dial string as you used to register the IAX trunk?
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