
Support forum for the ViciBox ISO Server Install and ISO LiveCD Demo

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Postby thirdhatch » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:24 am


Using Vicibox Redux 3.1.10 in standalone mode. We are trying to use the agi script for adding inbound calls to the DNC list as indicated in several posts but we get errors when we try to do this. Please see below:

[Sep 27 01:19:25] -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-VDADinbound_NI_DNC_CIDlookup.agi
[Sep 27 01:19:25] -- Playing 'beep' (escape_digits=) (sample_offset 0)
[Sep 27 01:19:26] WARNING[30933]: file.c:665 ast_openstream_full: File not_interested_or_dnc does not exist in any format
[Sep 27 01:19:26] WARNING[30933]: file.c:665 ast_openstream_full: File not_interested_or_dnc does not exist in any format
[Sep 27 01:19:26] WARNING[30933]: file.c:665 ast_openstream_full: File not_interested_or_dnc does not exist in any format
[Sep 27 01:19:26] WARNING[30933]: file.c:665 ast_openstream_full: File not_interested_or_dnc does not exist in any format
[Sep 27 01:19:26] WARNING[30933]: file.c:665 ast_openstream_full: File not_interested_or_dnc does not exist in any format
[Sep 27 01:19:26] -- Playing 'US_reminder_goodbye' (escape_digits=) (sample_offset 0)
[Sep 27 01:19:27] -- AGI Script agi-VDADinbound_NI_DNC_CIDlookup.agi completed, returning 0

We have not modified the script in any way but it seems necessary. Any ideas on fixing this so it works properly?

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Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:59 am

You have to record 3 audio files and upload them through the audio store to use this script:


And remember, 16bit/8k/mono/pcm/wav files.
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Postby thirdhatch » Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:00 am


Is there a new manual coming out? There are a lot of new undocumented features. I would pay for it again. :)
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Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:32 pm

When we get the time. Right now we have a long paid development queue which needs to be worked down to he point where we can schedule a fork of the code to the 2.4 branch, then we can start working on the new manuals.
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Re: agi-VDADinbound_NI_DNC_CIDlookup.agi

Postby marklester » Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:00 pm

is their a step by step procedure on doing this?
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Re: agi-VDADinbound_NI_DNC_CIDlookup.agi

Postby mflorell » Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:49 pm

Two months ago I added the cm_dnc.agi script, that lets you do more than the old AGI script did, and with a lot more flexibility within the Call Menu framework. I wrote up a set of instructions for it below. To use this, you must be using vicidial svn/trunk newer than November 12, 2012.


Compliance with the new FCC outbound auto-dial calling abandon opt-out requirement within Vicidial

Earlier this year, the FCC(Federal Communications Commission) decided to get into the telemarketing sales regulation business that the FTC(Federal Trade Commission) had already been regulating for years. The FCC's new regulations are very similar to the existing FTC regulations, with a few minor differences. One of those differences is a new opt-out requirement for abandoned calls. An Abandoned call happens when the customer is not sent to a live agent within 2 seconds after the end of their greeting. For example: "Hello, this is Sam" <1 second>, <2 seconds>, ABANDON. If this happens in an outbound telemarketing campaign, the FTC now requires that you play a message and give the option for the customer to opt-out of future calls from your company through an IVR.

NOTE: For these instructions to work, you must be using Vicidial svn/trunk version 1871 or higher(committed November 10th, 2012). To check the version you are running, go to Admin -> System Settings and look at the "SVN Version" field(it is the second field on the page), if you do not see this field, you are running an older version without this feature and you should look into upgrading your system.

To set this up in Vicidial, create a new Call Menu(we'll call it "FTC_abandon")

Then we need to set your Campaign Detail option "Drop Action:" to CALLMENU, and the "Safe Harbor Call Menu" option to the call menu that you just created, "FTC_abandon".

Now we need to go back and configure the new FTC_abandon call menu that you just created.

The "Menu Prompt" field should contain the message that you want the customer to hear(and which will include the "press 1 if you don't want us to call you again" option)

Set a Call Menu "Option" to 1, then the "Route" to AGI.

The "AGI:" option will need to have something like this in it "cm_dnc.agi,DNC---YES------C---". The 5 options for the cm_dnc.agi script are detailed below:

1. Run as DNC status or NI status (Default=NI)
2. Insert into the vicidial_dnc table for DNC selections (Default=YES)
3. Campaign to take dnc settings from(overrides option 2)
4. Call menu option to send the call to after executing (Default=B)
5. If option 3 is used, search for lead in campaign lists or whole system(CAMP or SYS) (Default=SYS)

The last step is to add what happens after the customer presses 1 and is added to the DNC list. To do this, add an option "C", which we defined as the fifth option of the cm_dnc.agi script. If you would want to simply acknowledge the customer and hangup, then set the "Route" to HANGUP and the Audio File to US_thanks_no_contact or an audio file that you have recorded.

For more information on the FCC rule, go to ... A1_Rcd.pdf
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