voip trunk and E1 trunk in goautodial (INDIA)

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voip trunk and E1 trunk in goautodial (INDIA)

Postby raloheni » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:21 am

goautodial ce2.0
vicidial 2.2.1-237 build 100510-2015

just its a fresh install

i need it use it for both international and domestic calling

international with voip trunk and domestic with E1(digium single port)

the process is first call the us numbers and once connect a 3way or blindtransfer to domestic no via E1.

is it possible,
also i got some news that in my country ( india ) it is illeagal or some rules and regulations wont allow this

can any one advice me what license to be purchased and the trai rules for this.
sorry for posting the out of vicidial related questions also.
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Postby williamconley » Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:34 pm

Yes Vicidial can be configured to accomplish this task. Laws are probably in place to protect the government monopoly on phone (it's income, they hate loss of income). Also, beware that if you are caught doing this in a country where it is not legal, they will immediately cut off your VOIP service (interrupt the packet traversal) and perhaps knock on your door.

Most countries that are serious about this will block the appropriate ports, some will inspect packets during traversal to detect VOIP. Personal use may be tolerated, but ... well, I'm not even a lawyer in the US, so I don't give legal advice elsewhere. But I HAVE had clients with interrupted circuits in a couple countries who have attempted such (lucrative) services.

Hint: Encryption!

Good luck. 8-)
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