When I login to the VICIDIAL ADMIN and view the Time On VDAD report I select the campaign and then select Inbound: only. This produces call counts such as: Calls today: 15, Drops today: 5. I wish to determine the 5 dropped calls as my understanding are these are callers that called in but never got connected to an agent. However, I attempt to run Export Calls Report for status DROP & XDROP and there is no report generated.
I attempt to download the two lists in the campaign and based on entry_date there is not the number of calls indicated in VDAD report. Also, most of last_local_call_time in the downloaded list is blank.
How can I get a detailed report of the "Calls Today" and "drops today" as shown on the VDAD screen?
OS Version: CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
Kernel: vici 2.6.18-164.el5.vnow
Asterisk: built by root @ vnowinc on a i686 running Linux on 2009-07-10
Vici/Admin: VERSION: 2.0.5-174 BUILD: 90522-0506
AGC/Agent: VICIDIAL web-client version: 2.0.5-206 BUILD: 90525-1014
Server: HP Proliant DL360 G3: Dual Xeon 2.80Ghz 72GB RAID1 (MP3 on NFS), 4GB RAM. Load, not too sure about during use but I can reproduce the issue when there are no other agents or calls in the system (except for the test agent/calls, of course.)
Connectivity: SIP trunk from real carrier to Asterisk PBX (separate physical machine, on the same local LAN), ViCi is communicating via SIP with Asterisk
Agents: Mozilla Firefox 3.6.x on Windows XP with a mix of Xlite and Polycom phones