by zeeshansajid » Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:32 pm
Hi Matt,
thanks for your quick reply, actually i am in the hopper code and i do understand that there is a gmt_offset_in condition for the destination time in the campaign's setting. Now i only know that the campaign should only run at EST and the following query
SELECT lead_id,list_id,gmt_offset_now,phone_number,state,status,modify_date,user FROM vicidial_list .....
returns leads with different offset values, now if DST is set then the est value can be -4 else -5. Now my quick question is at the time when the hopper executes this query i would like to add a condition to limit it by EST only, the lead data does return the state such as NJ etc ... is that an authentic value and can i use that to find the timezone from phone_codes tables and compare or not. If not what would be a better way of implementing it. Thanks
best regards,