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fibres wrote:Just a possibility. I have not had time to check this out fully.
We have recently been having a problem with a campaign that has been running fine for 6 months and has started having similar issues.
It could be to do with trunks setting in Admin -- Servers part of the vicidial admin. It seems that if you have one campaign that is active with say a dial level of 4 and 10 agents l0gged in, vicidial sees that as needing 40 trunks and irrespective of if that campaign is using the 40 trunks because it may need 40 if your trunk setting in Admin -- Servers is 40 or below it will not allow any other campaigns to dial.
We have the campaign we have been using for 6 months and a new campaign which is a voice broadcast campaign which has a remote agent configured with 10 lines and a dial level of 13 therefore it will make 130 calls and try to put them through to agents. Now I have noticed that it seems that if that campaign is active, even if the dialable leeds have run out so it is not actually dialing anything, it will stop all other auto-dial campaigns on the server from working.
As soon as I made this campaign inactive it seemed to resolve the issue. I have not had time to properly test this but it is what appears to be happening.
Just an idea and may shed some light onto your issue,
130 lines perpetually in use?10 lines and a dial level of 13
whoa.mflorell wrote:RATIO and ADAPT outbound campaigns use the exact same AGI scripts.
Is that to imply that the two screens running and the two pl scripts are identical or that they are not agi scripts or that they "view only" and some other script is actually controlling?12799.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
2977.ASTVDauto (Detached)
but have you tried it?Hi Matt
I dont think this would help.
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