Changing server IP not working fully

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Changing server IP not working fully

Postby jeffm » Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:14 pm

I have installed the iso GoAutoDial CE 2.1 onto VMWare ESXi. The install went fine. Following the getting started guide, I connected with a PC on the 192.168.1.x network and changed the IP of the server to a static, public IP. Lets call it for this example. I then did the Update Database IP, waited a bit and rebooted.

The server IP is now correct, but there are still tons of database entries that are stuck on the original Under Vicidial, the asterisk server was still, along with all the phones, carriers, etc. I manually changed the server to and added a carrier with the new server IP, but the new carrier never shows up in any asterisk config files. Thus 'sip show peers' doesn't see the carrier.

/etc/astguiclient.conf is also still

I am familiar with asterisk, but have never used vicidial before. I could probably fight my way through this, but shouldn't just changing the server IP be easy? I would like for this to have a "stock" config since I'm not trying to do anything strange. Just outbound survey with Sangoma Netborder Call Analyzer.

Is there some step I am missing to fully change the server IP?

Thanks for any help.
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Postby williamconley » Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:43 pm

1) You will not be able to use VMWare with Vicidial for more than a single call. You have been warned. Not kidding. Can't say this any more strongly, hope you're listening. Waste of time. Don't do it.

2) "Update Database IP" I shall assume was meant to be "" found in /usr/share/astguiclient. If it did not update all the necessary IPs, run it again. Manually enter the "old" and "new" ip addresses to cover every possible pair to result in all the ip addresses being the final one on the system (even consider "blank" for the old just to be safe).

3) Consider using Vicibox instead of GoAutoDial (I've had lots of luck with Vicibox in VMWare for testing, it seems to install quite well, although sometimes 32 bit instead of 64 bit for specific releases, but since it's only for a sandbox, 32 vs 64 does not matter).
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Postby AZNCUTE » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:01 pm

I also encountered this kind of problem.

Check if your Server supports the necessary hardware drivers of your current specs. Try changing your 2nd Ethernet or eth1 or your public Network card to a generic Ethernet card. Do a Clean install or run update_server_ip again. Ofcourse you need to configure first your Ethernet card's IP addresses correctly through root then setup.

Hope this helps.
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Postby jeffm » Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:32 pm

Thanks for your replies. I removed VMWare and did a bare install using Vicibox. I was using vmware for convenience in moving the server around, not necessity. The 64bit OpenSUSE with Vicibox had grub problems on the little Dell PE850 server, so I had to go with the 32 bit. That installed fine.

I did still have some issues with the server IP. The vicibox-express install scripts had problems running the sql files to add all the database entries. I had to run those manually, then run to get all the server IPs changed. Everything seems fine after that.

Now it's on to getting a survey working and then putting Sangoma CPD in place. Does the full version of the downloaded manual have more information on the Sangoma integration?
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Postby mflorell » Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:38 pm

We have this in the Wiki:

Although the patch to Asterisk is already included in the vicibox installer, the rest of it should be good.

The full version of the manual does not go into much more detail currently, although we will most likely be adding more on this in the next version.
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