This is a log of how I install Vicicidal a server using CentOS 4.4 x86_64 onto a Dell E510. It has a X100P as a timing source, 2 SATA drives which I'll softRAID1 and uses SIP.
This post will be edited as I add more steps.
Installing VICIDIAL 2.0.2b3 on CentOS 4.4 x86_64
Phase 0
Download and burn installation DVD
Boot DVD, peform media check is recommended but optional.
Select Language (English) and Keyboard (U.S. English)
Installation Type Server
Manually partition with Disk Druid
Create a software RAID partion on /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, 100MB each, named /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1.
Create a RAID device with /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1, named /dev/md0 with mount point /boot, file system type ext3 and RAID Level RAID1.
Create a software RAID partion on /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, with remaining space, named /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2.
Create a RAID device with /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2, named /dev/md1, file system type physical volume (LVM) and RAID Level RAID1.
Create a Volume Group named VolGroup00 with Logical Volume Named LogVol00, mount point /, file system type ext3 and Size being max minus swap size (74080MB, 2048MB swap) and a Logical Volume Named LogVol01, file system type swap and Size being max size (2048MB)
Set boot loader password
Use DHCP for IP/Netmask, set hostname manually to (do your own name)
Enable Firewall, with SSH, http, https, and ftp open. Disable SELinux.
Additional Language support to English (USA)
Set the server's time zone (America/Los_Angeles)
Set root password
Package Group Selection
Server Configuration Tools
Web Server
-Windows File Server
+FTP Server
+MySQL Database
+Development Tools
+System Tools
-openldap clients
-Printing Support
required packages:
kernel_devel or kernel_smp_devel
vi /etc/php.ini, upload_max_filesize = 200M
service mysqld start
service httpd start
ntsysv: httpd, mysqld
Finish the install
login as root
cmd: yum update
Let yum finish updating and reboot.
BASE_INSTALL.txt Phase one:
Used Asterisk 1.2.14, Zaptel 1.2.12 and Libpri 1.2.4 instead
Instead of 'modprobe wct1xxp', i used 'modprobe wcfxo' due to the X100P
1. perl -MCPAN -e shell # type in the command line
2. You will then go through CPAN setup, just hit ENTER for most prompts except
for the mirrors list, you will want to select at least 4 mirrors
- yes for manual configuration
- enter for the next 22 prompts
- for the "make install options" it's a good idea to add UNINST=1
- enter for the next 5 prompts
- select your continent and country
- select a few cpan mirrors
- enter for the next 2 prompts
Install asterisk-perl (.
, LAME (v3.97), mpg123 (.61), ttyload (0.4.4), iftop (.17), ploticus (2.33, comment out XOBJ= and XLIBS=), mtop (.6.6)
Asterisk 1.2.14,
Zaptel 1.2.12
Libpri 1.2.4