Problem with Ration and Predictive dialing

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Problem with Ration and Predictive dialing

Postby syedsajjad » Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:32 pm

The manual dialing works fine by clicking "Dial Next Number". But when I select Ratio or any Adapt option. The agent doesn't have any contact detail in vicidial.php interface. On the CLI it show dialing the numbers and answered. But that answered contacts are not forwarded to the agents logged in and no information of contact on vicidial.php. I am using SIP trunks.

I am using:

CentOS 4.3

Screen -r:

2520.ASTsend (Detached)
2419.ASTVDauto (Detached)
2474.asterisk (Detached)
2417.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
2510.ASTlisten (Detached)
2979.ASTupdate (Detached)
2983.ASTVDremote (Detached)

CLI output:

-- Executing AGI("Local/9818054744475@default-0bb7,2", "call_log.agi|818054744475") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/call_log.agi
-- AGI Script call_log.agi completed, returning 0
-- Executing Dial("Local/9818054744475@default-0bb7,2", "SIP/818054744475@pbx|50|r") in new stack
-- Called 818054744475@pbx
-- SIP/pbx-08632518 is ringing
-- SIP/pbx-08632518 answered Local/9818054744475@default-0bb7,2
> Channel Local/9818054744475@default-0bb7,1 was answered.
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from

I set the following dial method:

Ratio, All Adapt Options
Auto Dial Level: 01
Available on Tally: No
Drop %age Limit: 01
Max Adapt Dial: 3.0
Adapt Intensity Modifier: -1 Less Intense
Dial Level Difference Target: -1--1 Agents are waiting
(I also tried on Balance but no result)
Next Agent Call: Random

Any suggestion please.
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Postby mflorell » Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:41 pm

Please post some output of calls from /var/log/astguiclient/agiout.2006-XX-XX
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Ratio & Adapt don't work

Postby syedsajjad » Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:46 am

Thanks for the reply, here is the log
Now I am having another problem, the leads keeps on dialing whether any agent is loged in or not.

2006-11-22 2:42:19|VD_hangup.agi|DEBUG: NODEBUG
2006-11-22 2:42:19|VD_hangup.agi|VD_hangup : V1122024204000000130 Local/9818053436607@default-552b,2 2 130
2006-11-22 2:42:19|VD_hangup.agi|-- VDhangup Local DEBUG: |PRI|V1122024204000000130|ANSWER|16|
2006-11-22 2:42:19|VD_hangup.agi|+++++ VDAD START LOCAL CHANNEL: EXITING- 2
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi|0|8365
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- callerid = 0000000000
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- calleridname = V1122024204000000130
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- channel = Local/9818053436607@default-552b,1
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- extension = 8365
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- priority = 1
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- request = call_log.agi
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- type = Local
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164145324.380
2006-11-22 2:42:20|call_log.agi|AGI Variables: |1164145324.380|Local/9818053436607@default-552b,1|8365|Local|V1122024204000000130|

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Ratio & Adapt don't work

Postby syedsajjad » Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:50 am

Another thing now I am facing is when an agent login in and attend the conference and IVR says "You are the only person in the conference" and here is the log:

2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|NNNNNNNNNN No agent record found!!!
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi|0|818054894864
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- callerid = 0000000000
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- calleridname = V1122024222000000131
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- channel = Local/9818054894864@default-6947,2
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- context = default
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- extension = 9818054894864
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- language = en
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- priority = 1
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- request = call_log.agi
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- type = Local
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi| -- uniqueid = 1164145342.384
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi|AGI Variables: |1164145342.384|Local/9818054894864@default-6947,2|818054894864|Local|V1122024222000000131|
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi|+++++ CALL LOG START : 2006-11-22 2:42:22
2006-11-22 2:42:22|call_log.agi||INSERT INTO call_log (uniqueid,channel,channel_group,type,server_ip,extension,number_dialed,start_time,start_epoch,end_time,end_epoch,length_in_sec,length_in_min,caller_code) values('1164145342.384','Local/9818054894864@default-6947,2','','Local','','818054894864','','2006-11-22 2:42:22','1164145342','','','','','V1122024222000000131')|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi||SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = '' and call_time < "" and lead_id != '';|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi||SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = '' and call_time < "" and lead_id != '';|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|-- VDAD get agent: |0E0|update of vla table: |
|UPDATE vicidial_live_agents set status='QUEUE',lead_id='7',uniqueid='1164145324.380', channel='SIP/pbx-09907a88', callerid='9818053436607' where status = 'READY' and server_ip='' and campaign_id='' and last_update_time > '19700101045955' limit 1;|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|NNNNNNNNNN No agent record found!!!
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi||SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = '' and call_time < "" and lead_id != '';|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|-- VDAD get agent: |0E0|update of vla table: |
|UPDATE vicidial_live_agents set status='QUEUE',lead_id='7',uniqueid='1164145324.380', channel='SIP/pbx-09907a88', callerid='9818053436607' where status = 'READY' and server_ip='' and campaign_id='' and last_update_time > '19700101045955' limit 1;|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|NNNNNNNNNN No agent record found!!!
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi||SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = '' and call_time < "" and lead_id != '';|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|-- VDAD get agent: |0E0|update of vla table: |
|UPDATE vicidial_live_agents set status='QUEUE',lead_id='7',uniqueid='1164145324.380', channel='SIP/pbx-09907a88', callerid='9818053436607' where status = 'READY' and server_ip='' and campaign_id='' and last_update_time > '19700101045955' limit 1;|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|NNNNNNNNNN No agent record found!!!
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi||SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = '' and call_time < "" and lead_id != '';|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|-- VDAD get agent: |0E0|update of vla table: |
|UPDATE vicidial_live_agents set status='QUEUE',lead_id='7',uniqueid='1164145324.380', channel='SIP/pbx-09907a88', callerid='9818053436607' where status = 'READY' and server_ip='' and campaign_id='' and last_update_time > '19700101045955' limit 1;|
2006-11-22 2:42:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|NNNNNNNNNN No agent record found!!!

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Postby mflorell » Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:14 pm

The agent is supposed to hear that they are the only one in the conference.

Is the agent's record in vicidial_live_agents set to READY?

The transfer script is not seeing any logged-in and READY agents for that campaign.
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Postby syedsajjad » Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:08 pm

Their status is READY. Even at live performance I can see number of agents waiting but the calls are not thrown to them.
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Postby Op3r » Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:52 am

Have you put this on your dial plan?

exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi://
;exten => _X.,1,AGI(call_log.agi,${EXTEN})
Get paid for US outbound Toll Free calls. PM me. visit for vicidial services.
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vicidial problem

Postby videanuadrian » Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:58 am

Hy !
i have the same problem here.

|UPDATE vicidial_live_agents set status='QUEUE',lead_id='25',uniqueid='1169556256.58', channel='SIP/adriansip-081a5d70', callerid='0040723864025' where status = 'READY' and server_ip='' and campaign_id='' and last_update_time > '19700101015955' limit 1;|
2007-01-23 14:44:20|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|NNNNNNNNNN No agent record found!!!

here iti seems that the problem is that we don`t have a valid campaign_id.

My OS is Gentoo 2006.

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Postby mflorell » Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:59 pm

Could you post more output from the AGIoutput log when the transfer script is called?
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agi output

Postby videanuadrian » Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:42 am

this is what happen when the script trying to transfer the call to the operator :
( i have the ready state in vicidial_live_agents )

-- Executing AGI("SIP/adriansip-0814b138", "agi-VDADtransfer.agi|8365") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-VDADtransfer.agi
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|0|8365
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- accountcode =
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- callerid = 91004072386402
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- calleridname = unknown
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- callington = 0
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- channel = SIP/adriansip-0814b138
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- context = default
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- extension = 8365
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- language = en
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- priority = 2
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- request = agi-VDADtransfer.agi
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- type = SIP
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi| -- uniqueid = 1170664571.39
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|AGI Variables: |1170664571.39|SIP/adriansip-0814b138|8365|SIP|91004072386402|unknown|2|
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|+++++ VDAD START : |402|2007-02-05 10:36:37|1.2.13|2|
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|-- VDAD : |0E0|update of vac table: 91004072386402
|UPDATE vicidial_auto_calls set uniqueid='1170664571.39', channel='SIP/adriansip-0814b138',status='LIVE' where callerid='91004072386402' order by call_time desc limit 1;|
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi||SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_auto_calls where status = 'LIVE' and server_ip='' and campaign_id = '' and call_time < "" and lead_id != '';|
2007-02-05 10:36:37|agi-VDADtransfer.agi|-- VDAD get agent: |0E0|update of vla table: |
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same problem

Postby videanuadrian » Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:51 am

in my dial plan i have something like this :
exten => _XX.,1, AGI(call_log.agi,${EXTEN})
exten => _XX.,2,Dial(SIP/adriansip)

if i try this :
exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi://
i get the this error message :

-- Executing AGI("Local/91004072386402@default-5394,2", "agi://") in new stack
Feb 5 10:46:33 WARNING[19277]: res_agi.c:210 launch_netscript: Connect to 'agi://' failed: Connection refused
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Postby videanuadrian » Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:14 am

I have installed here mysql5. Is this a problem ??
because when the script output this :
|UPDATE vicidial_auto_calls set uniqueid='1170666808.192', channel='SIP/adriansip-0814b138',status='LIVE' where callerid='917275551213' order by call_time desc limit 1;|

if i open the vicidial_auto_calls nothing happen there and i thought that myve it is a mysql problem...............
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Postby videanuadrian » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:03 am

it seems that now i don`t get the cannot connect message anymore when i try this :
exten => _XX,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _XX,2,Dial(SIP/adriansip)
exten => _XX,3,Hangup

but i have another problem now. In my CLI i have the fallowing messages:

Feb 5 14:03:09 NOTICE[25331]: chan_local.c:498 local_alloc: No such extension/context 917275551213@default creating local channel
Feb 5 14:03:09 NOTICE[25331]: channel.c:2491 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel Local/917275551213@default
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Postby videanuadrian » Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:11 am

well i have no ideea about what is wrong so i will put here the esesential parts from my config files :


exten => h,1,DeadAGI(agi://
exten => h,2,DeadAGI(agi:// ... EBUG-----${HANGUPCAUSE}

exten => _XXXXXXXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _XXXXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/adriansip)
exten => _XXXXXXXXXXXX,3,Hangup

; VICIDIAL_auto_dialer transfer script:
exten => 8365,1,AGI(agi://
exten => 8365,2,AGI(agi-VDADtransfer.agi,${EXTEN})
exten => 8365,3,AGI(agi-VDADtransfer.agi,${EXTEN})
exten => 8365,4,AGI(agi-VDADtransfer.agi,${EXTEN})
exten => 8365,5,Hangup

i don`t know if asterisk agi is ok. if i try this: install Asterisk::AGI in cpan i get this :
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
Database was generated on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 09:32:32 GMT
Asterisk::AGI is up to date (undef).

the netserver perl module seems to be ok :
install Net::Server
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
Database was generated on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 09:32:32 GMT
Net::Server is up to date (0.95).
i have version 008 of asterisk perl. My OS is Gentoo2006.

that is my astguiclient.conf file :
PATHhome => /usr/share/astguiclient
PATHlogs => /var/log/astguiclient
PATHagi => /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
PATHweb => /var/www/localhost/htdocs
PATHsounds => /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
PATHmonitor => /var/spool/asterisk/monitor

VARserver_ip =>
VARDB_server => localhost
VARDB_database => asterisk
VARDB_user => cron
VARDB_pass => 1234
VARDB_port => 3306

that is what i get:
-- Executing AGI("Local/917275551213@default-b804,2", "agi://") in new stack
Feb 5 16:10:17 WARNING[1755]: res_agi.c:210 launch_netscript: Connect to 'agi://' failed: Connection refused
== Spawn extension (default, 917275551213, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/917275551213@default-b804,2'
-- Executing DeadAGI("Local/917275551213@default-b804,2", "agi://") in new stack
Feb 5 16:10:17 WARNING[1755]: res_agi.c:210 launch_netscript: Connect to 'agi://' failed: Connection refused
== Spawn extension (default, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/917275551213@default-b804,2'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
-- Executing AGI("Local/917275551213@default-ef8a,2", "agi://") in new stack
Feb 5 16:10:17 WARNING[1762]: res_agi.c:210 launch_netscript: Connect to 'agi://' failed: Connection refused
== Spawn extension (default, 917275551213, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/917275551213@default-ef8a,2'
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Postby mflorell » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:59 am

Please post output of "screen -r"

Using MySQL 5 is fine, it works well with VICIDIAL.
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version of asterisk-perl

Postby omar » Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:25 pm

What version of asterisk-perl are you using?
Posts: 77
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Postby videanuadrian » Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:34 am

30308.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15858.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31483.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1311.ASTsend (Dead ???)
12093.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
3711.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
9439.asterisk (Dead ???)
12629.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31974.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19795.ASTsend (Dead ???)
28809.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
1415.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10218.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31547.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8010.ASTsend (Dead ???)
23211.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
24145.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18827.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7827.ASTsend (Dead ???)
23604.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8052.asterisk (Dead ???)
25509.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
19922.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15528.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9655.ASTVDadapt (Dead ???)
17829.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20275.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18433.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15414.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
22782.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
29028.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17186.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
3743.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14432.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
30624..nox (Dead ???)
22163.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
9664.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14286.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4839.ASTsend (Dead ???)
12823.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32242.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26046.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21965.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26841.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
2785.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26577.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5403.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15942.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19389.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25797.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
25545.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3563.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17847.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
7704.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20708.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
9871.ASTsend (Dead ???)
22673.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4696.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
10551.asterisk (Dead ???)
16263.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11431.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
28941.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19108.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
26888.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11328.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8302.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3660.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20817.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7067.ASTsend (Dead ???)
29222.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2241.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26093.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
26911.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6719.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
8772.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
20146.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24575.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
26628.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7672.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
23612.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5973.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
21415.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4000.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
16741.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5741.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32714.ASTsend (Dead ???)
22510.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20670.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15109.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6276.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20620.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
1450.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30233.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31225.ASTsend (Dead ???)
476.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13199.ASTsend (Dead ???)
16735.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20520.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10704.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14324.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15316.ASTsend (Dead ???)
28639.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27433.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
24631.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7088.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20655.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
17760.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4915.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
8570.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13192.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7191.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8183.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26689.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2683.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31429.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
25814.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
10454.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14421.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
30220.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19390.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4026.ASTsend (Dead ???)
12929.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4487.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
8564.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11859.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
3138.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9792.ASTupdate (Detached)
4303.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9486.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1471.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13810.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2810.ASTsend (Dead ???)
23913.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
23026.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9867.ASTsend (Dead ???)
16299.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1639.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31661.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
11046.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10608.asterisk (Dead ???)
30207.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
7733.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14254.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
13173.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27518.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25320.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24310.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
4330.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25851.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20597..nox (Dead ???)
12846.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31279.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
22275.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31397.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
2277.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10261.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1684.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
12071.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24606.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30767..nox (Dead ???)
31407.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4608.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7022.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4190.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9537.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9894.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30478.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
16847.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14089.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19261.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25462.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
20031.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32130..nox (Dead ???)
23881.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
478.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8353..nox (Dead ???)
27579.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
21264.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
2160.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1027.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
16880.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30676.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
29846.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24102.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27005.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
8642.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32426.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9458.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
23214.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2755.ASTsend (Dead ???)
29175.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19359.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6659.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
27896.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1743.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
16784.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
7421.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
28674.ASTsend (Dead ???)
749.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13471.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25445.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13084.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14994.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25504.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
11591.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27158.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
27746.ASTsend (Dead ???)
12012.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6756.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25375.ASTsend (Dead ???)
22533.ASTsend (Dead ???)
782.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30643.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26644.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10612.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
24447.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19416.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13665.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
4235.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18807.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
15766.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17005.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9725.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3520.ASTsend (Dead ???)
22313.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11689.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9783.ASTVDauto (Detached)
1221.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
30634.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
26638.ASTsend (Dead ???)
23275.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15095.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31415.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1253.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32407.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13657.ASTVDauto (Dead ???)
12397.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20821.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
11364.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
3167.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3514.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21499.ASTsend (Dead ???)
28313..nox (Dead ???)
13880.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
5110.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26917.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
31449.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21806.ASTsend (Dead ???)
29433.ASTsend (Dead ???)
28615.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5999.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26418.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21419.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6429..nox (Dead ???)
11602.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13412.ASTsend (Dead ???)
23586.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19103.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
23933.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3654.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
20157.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
22901.ASTsend (Dead ???)
12177.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32504.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9325.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20103.ASTsend (Dead ???)
16779.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10525.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
8928.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19367.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9767.ASTlisten (Detached)
25523.ASTsend (Dead ???)
29888.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1753.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
24318.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15850.ASTsend (Dead ???)
28469.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21446.ASTsend (Dead ???)
29149.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
20240.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14003.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
27898.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9447.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
10678.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
7748.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
9843.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17093.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2669.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
26612.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15988.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8077.ASTsend (Dead ???)
894.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5061.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11103.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
20591.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9773.ASTsend (Detached)
5592.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14395.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1014.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10735.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3499.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26646.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15199..nox (Dead ???)
6621..nox (Dead ???)
27424.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25798.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24061.ASTsend (Dead ???)
29234.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24235.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6791.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20831.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
3562.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1008.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7045.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
19521.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14817.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
31024.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
27284.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31804.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7344.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
20967.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
27030.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1041.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2951.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10018.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18737.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7910.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4334.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15691.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11858.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10121.ASTsend (Dead ???)
945.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5857.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8659.ASTsend (Dead ???)
22864.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
7969..nox (Dead ???)
2628.ASTsend (Dead ???)
28974.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25601.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15969.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30972..nox (Dead ???)
875.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5043.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
30703.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
4368.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5533.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17138.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8121.ASTsend (Dead ???)
551.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30320.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
13378.ASTsend (Dead ???)
29520.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
20843.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9559.asterisk (Dead ???)
799.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
11458.ASTsend (Dead ???)
26022.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
13967.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
4996.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20242.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11244.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11418.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15610.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
20386.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21378.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5387.ASTsend (Dead ???)
29538.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
31118.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
2578.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
3537.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31328.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21869.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9276..nox (Dead ???)
24630.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17163.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
25058.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
23477.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
29947.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14213.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9778.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
4389.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10176.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14530.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14082.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
6873.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
25482.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10840.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11718..nox (Dead ???)
30216.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
11217..nox (Dead ???)
25269.ASTsend (Dead ???)
23632.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15326..nox (Dead ???)
25122..nox (Dead ???)
21752.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11018.ASTsend (Dead ???)
22744.ASTsend (Dead ???)
636.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8523.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6090.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
23492.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17082.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31245.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20610.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11612.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27950.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25517.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
13352.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4723.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11899.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
17761..nox (Dead ???)
5989.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
19273.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14448.ASTsend (Dead ???)
23977.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25787.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24224.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11045.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19590.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13947.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10889..nox (Dead ???)
6527.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32691.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10061.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
20320.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9662.asterisk (Detached)
8510.ASTsend (Dead ???)
22488.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20118.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
2663.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10608.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18235.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2022.ASTsend (Dead ???)
12359.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
14294.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
10538.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21346.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5529.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13697.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17490.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25283.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8165.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
32218.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30591.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19220.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20949.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25203.ASTsend (Dead ???)
433.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
32144.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
21727.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18871.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
6728.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1168.ASTsend (Dead ???)
29140.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11620.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
25133.ASTsend (Dead ???)
928.ASTsend (Dead ???)
4287.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2650.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3081.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13794.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24205.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17761.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32342.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
27028.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
24048.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
30125.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
13540.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5516.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19104.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25831.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30261.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2818.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30605.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
4409.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
28737.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31143.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5110..nox (Dead ???)
19842.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9220.asterisk (Dead ???)
25438.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32025.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13037.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7597.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
3029.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10552.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18353.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14346.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15511.ASTsend (Dead ???)
28874.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14132.ASTsend (Dead ???)
16473.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30249.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20082.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
28233.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25860.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
21210.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5006.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7734.ASTsend (Dead ???)
12356.ASTsend (Dead ???)
23164.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17772..nox (Dead ???)
29115.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13665.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2491.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11641.ASTsend (Dead ???)
16010.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
29575.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
9260.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7981.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27021.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21561.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13611.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
12910.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8372.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8546.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31695.ASTsend (Dead ???)
11889.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14690.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15111.ASTsend (Dead ???)
30980.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1627.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27055.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13058.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20756..nox (Dead ???)
3223.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31545.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3367.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14714.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3540.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17907.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
6342.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18508.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31862.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5881.ASTsend (Dead ???)
16310.ASTsend (Dead ???)
8112.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27089.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25356.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
15075.ASTsend (Dead ???)
12938.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2582.ASTsend (Dead ???)
28919.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9788.ASTVDremote (Detached)
606.ASTsend (Dead ???)
10884.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31643..nox (Dead ???)
8697.asterisk (Dead ???)
4843.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27817.ASTsend (Dead ???)
20273.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21265.ASTsend (Dead ???)
32073.ASTsend (Dead ???)
21612.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18605.ASTsend (Dead ???)
17970.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6021..nox (Dead ???)
19776.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
13461.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
3054.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
22891.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15978.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
18676.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
1117.ASTsend (Dead ???)
2472.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
23472.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
13124.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
17820.ASTsend (Dead ???)
1608.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24591.ASTsend (Dead ???)
14030.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5585.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25772..nox (Dead ???)
27313.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19133.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6323.ASTsend (Dead ???)
24124.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9911.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
27457.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27630.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3625.ASTsend (Dead ???)
23062.ASTsend (Dead ???)
13246.ASTsend (Dead ???)
27886.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
9988..nox (Dead ???)
9402.ASTsend (Dead ???)
7389.ASTsend (Dead ???)
3555.ASTsend (Dead ???)
28696.ASTsend (Dead ???)
465..nox (Dead ???)
11683.ASTsend (Dead ???)
5111.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9083.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
5469.ASTsend (Dead ???)
31763.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
14949..nox (Dead ???)
18596.ASTsend (Dead ???)
15223.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25213.ASTsend (Dead ???)
6684.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
18617.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
5215.ASTsend (Dead ???)
25867.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
31727.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9192.ASTsend (Dead ???)
18903.ASTsend (Dead ???)
16359.ASTsend (Dead ???)
19086..nox (Dead ???)
Remove dead screens with 'screen -wipe'.
Type "screen [-d] -r [pid.]" to resume one of them.

and i`m using asterisk-perl 0.08. but i install asterisk-perl in the clasic way (with make, make install) not like an oridinary gentoo package with emerge, because if i type emerge asterisk-perl that is what i get : emerge asterisk-perl
Calculating dependencies
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "asterisk-perl".

is this a problem ??
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:51 am
Location: Romania

Postby videanuadrian » Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:44 am

i noticed that i don`t have by default in asterguiclient.conf these lines:
VARactive_keepalives => 2
VARfastagi_log_min_servers => 3
VARfastagi_log_max_servers => 16
VARfastagi_log_min_spare_servers => 2
VARfastagi_log_max_spare_servers => 8
VARfastagi_log_max_requests => 1000
VARfastagi_log_checkfordead => 30
VARfastagi_log_checkforwait => 60

i added these lines by hand ... i don`t know if that is ok ..

Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:51 am
Location: Romania

Postby videanuadrian » Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:04 am

nox asterisk # telnet 4577
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:51 am
Location: Romania

Postby videanuadrian » Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:51 am

i forgot to mention that i`m using asterisk 1.2.13 and astguiclient 2.0.1
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:51 am
Location: Romania

Postby mflorell » Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:31 am

please run 'screen -wipe' and then post "screen -r" again.

Also, check that manager.conf is configured properly.

I would also recommend upgrading to at least 2.0.2 astguiclient and 1.2.14 for Asterisk.
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Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:45 pm
Location: Florida

Postby videanuadrian » Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:33 am

a few minutes ago i upgradeed asterist 1.2.13 to 1.2.14 and in screen -r i have
There are several suitable screens on:
9707.ASTsend (Detached)
9203.asterisk (Attached)
9148.ASTVDauto (Detached)
10950.19086 (Dead ???)
10770.13013 (Dead ???)
9698.ASTlisten (Detached)
9426.ASTVDremote (Detached)
9836.ASTupdate (Detached)
11318.ASTlisten (Dead ???)
11643.ASTsend (Dead ???)
9152.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
Remove dead screens with 'screen -wipe'.
Type "screen [-d] -r [pid.]" to resume one of them.
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:51 am
Location: Romania

Postby videanuadrian » Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:36 am

that is all that i have in manager.conf :
enabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =

secret = 1234
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user

secret = 1234
read = command
write = command

secret = 1234
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = command

secret = 1234
read = command
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:51 am
Location: Romania

Postby mflorell » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:53 am

If you are using the FastAGI call_log entries you need to upgrade to 2.0.2 at least.
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Posts: 18402
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:45 pm
Location: Florida


Postby omar » Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:14 pm

and i`m using asterisk-perl 0.08. but i install asterisk-perl in the clasic way (with make, make install) not like an oridinary gentoo package with emerge, because if i type emerge asterisk-perl that is what i get : emerge asterisk-perl
Calculating dependencies
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "asterisk-perl".

Are you use exactly this command lines to install asterisk-perl?
- cd /usr/local
- wget ... .08.tar.gz
- gunzip asterisk-perl-0.08.tar.gz
- tar xvf asterisk-perl-0.08.tar
- cd asterisk-perl-0.08
- perl Makefile.PL
- make all
- make install

That could be the problem
Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:05 pm

Postby videanuadrian » Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:04 am

problem solved!
i have reinstalled all including my os.
This time i installed asterisk 1.2.4 and asterguiclient 2.0.2, i followed the from_scratch install document and now it seems that everything is ok.

10x for the support.
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:51 am
Location: Romania

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