There are three present methods to INSTALL vicidial (the software you want to install).
Vicibox Redux
From Scratch
From scratch is somewhat involved and a lengthy process (including the learning curve). Not recommended for the light-hearted or first-time user.
GoAutoDial is not supported by The Vicidial Group (The owners of the software and this site) nor by very many of the users on this site. But GoAutoDial does have a few toys on the installation (some status indicators and such) which are offset by a certain amount of commercialization ("use our trunk! learn our brand name! buy our services!"). And the pretty screen for the agent interface is not compatible with the latest version of Vicidial available through SVN, so you lose the pretty screen if you want to upgrade. Installation help is avalable on the "wiki" in the form of the Getting Started Guide.
Vicibox Redux, on the other hand, has SVN upgrade capability built-in and can even build a Cluster during the installation (by answering the questions during installation). It also appears lacking commercial interruptions other than the main copyright notice (stating clearly that if you paid for the software, you were ripped off ...). Installation instructions are available in the form of the Walkthrough PDF.
So to answer your question:
Both have .iso installers. After basic installation of either, use the Vicidial Manager's Manual (available here on this site in the top left link " Home") to complete your installation and actually use the software. I recommend the paid version (even if you wait until it works first, because after this goes online you will likely be basing your future paychecks on how well you administer this system!).
Feel free to come back and ask questions. Someone will be here.
Welcome aboard!