2.2.1? What's wrong with 2.4? You prejudiced against 2.4? Bummer.
Look at Vicibox.com and GoAutodial.com, both are valid installers. GoAutoDial is generally at least 1/4 version behind. GoAutoDial has a prettier agent screen. But GoAutoDial's prettier agent screen is not compatible with the "latest" version of Vicidial and The Vicidial Group does not support it. Also, GoAutoDial has made some modifications to the Manager screens which are in some cases annoying (select all doesn't work ... links are hidden by the color scheme, LOGO takes up 2.5" vertical space ...). Vicibox is OpenSuSE, pure "stock" Vicidial, and supported by The Vicidial Group. It also has more "followers" (ie: Available technicians qualified to work on it). PoundTeam, of course, supports both.