by williamconley » Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:26 pm
Unfortunately, that tool would presume booting from the .iso image in question first, which requires putting that .iso image into the system. Obviously that's not going to happen as you are remote to the system.
Kickstart is excellent for building an .iso ... but if you cannot put that .iso image in a location that the system will boot from you are out of luck. And if you CAN put the .iso in a location from which to boot the system ... you will need access to the local keyboard and video.
So you need Remote KVM access to the system and either a human to put the .iso image in the system or a remote virtual CD simulation. Several Colocation faclities have this capacity, but obviously not all. In fact: WE have a colocation facility in-house and we can't do it! However, we do have the advantage of having a human in the room with the servers who is capable of burning .iso's and placing them in a CD on the server and then pushing buttons for a client to complete the basic OS install to get them up and running. Never had to do it, though, as the clients generally want US to do the installation. LOL
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