What should I do in the extensions.conf

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What should I do in the extensions.conf

Postby bghayad » Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:36 pm

Hi All;

Asterisk Version:
Single Machine
VERSION: 2.4-309a
BUILD: 110430-1642

My question is related to reporting and the right extensions.conf to be done:

1) When to use:

exten => _9X.,1,AGI(agi://

And when to use:

exten => h,1,DeadAGI(agi:// ... EBUG-----${HANGUPCAUSE}-----${DIALSTATUS}-----${DIALEDTIME}-----${ANSWEREDTIME})

2) For outbound calls, I have to write the same commands that I do it normally when I need to place calls via DAHDI, but I have to add the line of the AGI to have the log? Or there is something else I am missing?

3) Finally: What is the difference between passing call_log and passing call_log--HVcauses--PRI-----NODEBUG-----${HANGUPCAUSE}-----${DIALSTATUS}-----${DIALEDTIME}-----${ANSWEREDTIME})?

Thanks for the help in advance.
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Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:53 pm

Postby williamconley » Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:29 pm

AGI(agi:// is not a "logger". It is the Vicidial attachment process and happens to notate "oh! and log this while you're at it!".

So the question is, where is it that you are "Using" this line that you want to add? And why?

Of note in the two examples given:

_9X.,1,AGI denotes an extension pattern allowing any number starting with "9" to match the pattern and execute the agi script.

indicates a HUNG UP CALL.

the first one "fires up" the Vicidial processes, linking processes and telling Vicidial that the call exists and to track it. The second one will allow Vicidial to realize the call has terminated, detach processes, close logs ...

You should NOT be modifying the extensions.conf file, ordinarily, except to convince Vicidial to "dial out" properly and this is best done in Carriers under Admin, not so much in extensions.conf directly. And the only entry you need to make is the first one (_9X.,1,AGI) which will attach the processes. The others are already in place where they belong.
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Postby bghayad » Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:11 pm

You should NOT be modifying the extensions.conf file, ordinarily, except to convince Vicidial to "dial out" properly and this is best done in Carriers under Admin, not so much in extensions.conf directly.

* Even if the outbound will be via the DAHDI channel and not via the SIP trunk?

exten => h,1,DeadAGI(agi:// ... EBUG-----${HANGUPCAUSE}-----${DIALSTATUS}-----${DIALEDTIME}-----${ANSWEREDTIME})

* My question is related to passing the arguments format:
Is it important the number of the "-" that I have to place? I know it is automated generation, but also I prefer to understand what does it means.

Thanks for the kindly help.
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Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:53 pm

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