Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Any and all non-support discussions

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Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby mflorell » Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:12 pm

We just posted 2.4 RC 1 to sourceforge

Please test it out if you can and we should be able to do a full release soon.

There are hundreds of new features and bug fixes in this RC, and at this point svn/trunk versions close to branch 2.4 are installed on several dozen of our client sites and is proven to be very stable.

Here is a list of the changes since 2.2.1:

1. Changed "After hours", "No agent no queue" and "drop timeout reached" DROPs
to use AFTHRS/NANQUE/TIMEOT statuses respectively

2. Added an option to record calls that enter through a DID until they end or
enter an in-group queue. MUST ENABLE --MIX CRONTAB ENTRY!!!

3. Added ability to have AGENTDIRECT calls that drop go to user's defined
voicemail box

4. Added ability to use a webphone added in an IFRAME in the agent screen.
Tested with Zoiper webphone and sample code included

5. Added vdc_script_notes.php for call notes and appointment taking, read
comments for more information.

6. Added Call Log View options to the Agent screen, can be enabled in the
User Group screen or the User screen in Administration

7. Added custom dialplan entries fields for System Settings and Servers

8. Added ability to use security_phrase field in the vicidial_list table as a
Custom CallerID, must enable in Campaign settings

9. Changed voicemail auto-config to use voicemail.conf directly because include
files are not fully supported in voicemail.conf. If you have any custom
voicemail boxes that are NOT defined in ViciDial then you need to put
them in a custom context above the [default] context in voicemail.conf
in order to keep them. This change will update the ViciDial database if
the user changes their voicemail password through their phone. If that
user also uses that phone entry to login to vicidial.php that password
will be changed as well

10. Changed AGENTDIRECT selection to be triggered by clicking on AGENTS link
instead of number-to-dial field

11. Reformatted lead search page and added first and last name search options

12. Added 3-WAY status to the Real-time report to show when agents are in
consultative transfer sessions

13. Added AGENTONLY Scheduled Callbacks display options to allow the Callbacks
link line in the agent interface to show as red and/or blink. Also,
added option to have callbacks count display only triggered callbacks

14. Added carrier log display option to Real-time report to show the hangup
causes for the last 24/6/1 hours and 15/5/1 minutes of outbound calls

15. Added agc/deactivate_lead.php script that can change the status of a lead in
another campaign with the same vendor_lead_code, source_id or other
field match. See the file comments for more information

16. Added options.php for vicidial.php to give you the ability to change the
interface options in a separate file so that they can be preserved
through an upgrade. See options-example.php for more information

17. Added CallCard featureset to allow for pin-number entry before entering an
In-Group by a customer with minute balances and a basic admin interface.
See the CALLCARD.txt doc for more information.

18. Added display options for agent screen Transfer-conf buttons in the User
Group modification screen.

19. Added ra_call_control function to agent API to allow for hangup and transfer
of calls sent to a Remote Agent also allows for setting of a disposition
for more information read the AGENT_API.txt doc.

20. Added Extension Groups feature to Remote Agents section allowing calls to be
sent to different numbers in a round-robin method when enabled on
multi-line remote agent accounts. To enable, you must create Extension
Group entries and enable Extension Group in the Remote Agent entry.

21. Added agi-AGENT_route.agi script to more easily allow for agentdirect calls
from call menus without having to create a DID entry for every agent.
Simply put this line in the custom dialplan section of the call menu
that you want to allow agentdirect dialing for:
"exten => _XXXX,1,AGI(agi-AGENT_route.agi,default---AGENTDIRECT)"
That example will only work for agents that have 4-digit IDs.
This works well even after hours and when the agent is not available
because you can set the call to go to a voicemail box in the selected
in-group by using AGENTVMAIL in the voicemail field of the in-group.

22. Add the following lines to the extensions.conf to fix bug with manual dial
leave answering machine message(put in the default context):
exten => _8320*.,1,AGI(VD_amd.agi,${EXTEN}-----YES)
exten => _8320*.,2,Hangup

23. Added ability to search logs from admin search lead page

24. Added more login information to the User Stats page including session,
server, phone and computer IP

25. Added Manual Dial override option to campaigns to allow overriding of
user options for manual dial permissions

26. Added campaign option for alerting the agent when they are being blind
monitored. Options include an alert, a notice and an audio alert

27. Added inbound custom call ID display and logging feature, also added
vicidial_log_extended which stores more useful call log info

28. Added optional phone codecs definitions as well as system-wide defaults
for codec definition. Default for both is blank which will keep
whatever is set at the top of the iax.conf or sip.conf files

29. Added option to allow user information to be blocked form the real-time
report by user login(the user viewing the report)

30. Added Hold Time Option Minimum option to in-groups which will prevent the
hold time option from running until a minimum number of hold seconds.

31. Added headers to the list export and calls export reports

32. Added several PRESS-1 options to the Hold Time Option settings for In-Groups

33. Added Call Time after-hours filename override option used by inbound groups

34. Added Campaign setting for inbound queue no dial that will prohibit outbound
auto-dialing if there are any allowed in-group calls in queue if enabled

35. Added In-group options for setting the length of the on hold message and the
hold time option press message as well as offering the option to have
those two prompts be non-blocking and allow existing newer calls through
to agents while the prompts are playing

36. Added utility in CallCard section to generate new card IDs and view by Run.

37. Added Agent API functions for Send DTMF, Park Customer and the Transfer
Conference functions as well

38. Added prompt options for in-group VIDPROMPT methods when initiated from Call

39. Added web-configurable TTS voice option. Please make sure the Cepstral voice
is installed before entering one.

40. Added function for start_call_url to work with remote agents

41. Added custom default field names for fields in the agent interface. Defined
in the Admin System Settings

42. Added new code to help deal with agents on poor network connections. New
vicidial.php option is $conf_check_attempts

43. Added Custom List Fields functions to the Admin and Agent web interfaces.
To activate you need to enable custom fields in system settings, then
you can go to the Lists section to add custom fields to a list. The
fields are tied to a list, not a campaign, and they can be displayed
in a new tab in the agent interface, and there is a new option to have
the Get Call Launch open this custom fields tab upon a call being sent
to the agent. Also, the Calls Export Report and the List Download
feature include the custom fields values for the leads exported. You
can import custom field data through the web-based lead loader in TXT
and CSV format(you must set a list ID override and you must select
Custom Format). You can also use the non-agent API add_lead function,
(see the NON-AGENT_API.txt doc for more info). You can also use the
third gen lead loader to import leads with custom files in several
other formats.

44. Added more options to agi-AGENT_route.agi to allow it to prompt for user IDs
as well as set the number of digits to collect and check whether a user
is logged into ViciDial. The script can also now be run as an AGI route
option in CallMenus as well as in the custom dialplan.
Look at the comments in the code for more info.

45. Added third generation web-based lead loader capable of loading more data
file types and optionally loading all of them with custom list fields.
You must install the following perl modules on your web server for this
new lead loader to work:
cpan> install Spreadsheet::XLSX
cpan> install Spreadsheet::Read
To get to the new lead loader, click to:
Lists -> Load New Leads
Here is a list of the file formats(by file extension) that are now
supported by the third generation web lead loader:
TXT - tab or pipe delimited
CSV - comma separated values
XLS - MS Excel 2000/XP
XLSX - MS Excel 2007+
SXC - First Generation Spreadsheet
ODS - OpenDocument Spreadsheet

46. Added the ability to run selected reports from a MySQL slave server. This is
definable in the System Settings in the admin.php interface. You must
already have MySQL Master/Slave replication set up for this to work.

47. Added options to include recording ID, Filename and/or Location with Call
Export Report results

48. Added Non-Agent API function for updating leads: update_lead
Allows for searching by lead_id, vendor_lead_code and phone_number
as well as the ability to insert a new lead if no results found.
Works with custom fields as well.
For more information, look in the docs/NON-AGENT_API.txt doc

49. Added Wait Time options to in-groups. This is different from the Estimated
Hold Time options because this is based only on the customer wait time.
Also, second and third options were added for both allow the offering of
a press 1, 2 and 3 option in the wait/hold time option features.

50. Added timer action methods HANGUP, EXTENSION, CALLMENU and IN_GROUP. These
allow you to hangup or transfer the call at a set number of seconds
from start time or triggered from an outside process.

51. Added Allowable Reports option in User Groups for user_level 7 and higher
users to restrict viewable reports. Also enforced the Allowed
Campaigns option in User Group across admin.php and reports

52. Changed the "Admin" link in admin.php to go to a links page instead of a
listing of Phones, also forced level 7 users to the reports links page
if they try going anywhere in admin.php

53. Renamed "In-Groups" header in admin.php to "Inbound" to reflect that it is
not just for In-groups, but includes DIDs and Call Menus as well

54. Added Filter Phone Groups to allow calls coming into DIDs to be filtered
and sent to a different route if the caller ID number matches one in
the selected Filter Phone Group, or the search can be done by a web GET
to a URL that you define.

55. Added method to clean caller ID number when calls come into DIDs, either by
stripping specific digits from the front of a number if they are there
or taking only the right X numbers, i.e. R10 will take only the 10
digits on the right of a number, and L1 will remove only a 1 from the
left side of the number.

56. Added ability to download DNC numbers from the internal and campaign-
specific DNC lists, as well as the Filter Phone Groups

57. Added validation for Remote Agents to ensure that the User Start is a valid
User in the system, also added validation that Remote Agents do not
overlap their number of lines into another Remote Agent

58. Added ability to override the System Settings webphone URL per User Group

59. Added Calculate Estimated Hold Seconds setting which can delay the
Calculation and optionally the announcement of Estimated Hold Time
for X seconds.

60. Added new beta script for faster checking of leave-3way conferences,, read the comments before using.

61. Added Transfer Presets to Campaigns allowing for unlimited dial presets for
agents to use in the transfer-conf frame of the agent interface. Also,
real-time and outbound report reporting have been added to show call
counts for these presets. Presets can optionally have their numbers
hidden from agents allowing agents only to select a preset name to
transfer or conference a call to. You must Enable Transfer Presets in a
campaign before you can define them in the Presets sub-menu.

62. Added ability to hide the "Number to dial" field in the Transfer-conf frame
of the agent interface. This is a Campaign-level setting.

63. Added Manual Dial Prefix to allow for a different dial path for manual dial
calls placed through the agent interface.

64. Added did_id, did_extension, did_pattern, did_description, closecallid,
xfercallid and agent_log_id as webform and script variables in the agent

65. Added webphone options for System Key and Dialpad, may not be compatible
with all webphones.

66. Allow the changing of the queue priority of an inbound call while the call
is in queue.

67. Changed the example iax.conf and sip.conf to default to context=trunkinbound
to prevent unauthenticated calls on insecure phone accounts

68. Added password strength grading for users, phones and servers. Added ability
to force a user password change on the next admin login. Added password
default settings to System Settings and added a first login setup screen

69. Changed application limit for lead_id from 9 digits to 10 digits. This does
not affect the database limit of lead_id: 4294967295

70. Added customer 3way hangup logging options to campaigns which will log if
and how far into the 3-way call a customer has hung-up, as well as if
the agent initiated the call after the customer hung up. There is also
an option to end the 3-way call and send the agent to the disposition
screen if the customer hangs up during the 3-way call.

71. Added ability to view Inbound Report by selected DIDs instead of by
in-groups. Link added to Reports page.

72. Added dispo_move_list.php script which can be used in the Dispo Call URL
option for a campaign or in-group. This script can be used to move a
lead into a different list_id after the agent disposition depending on
the disposition that is selected. Optionally, the lead can also be reset
so that it can be dialed back immediately. See the code comments for
more information.

73. Added the Lists Campaign Statuses Report which is a list inventory report,
not a calling report. This report will show statistics for all of the
lists in the selected campaigns.

74. Added ability to use Custom List Fields in Web Forms, Scripts and Dispo
Call URL entries used by the agent interface.

75. Added "Add Lead URL" feature to in-groups. Works like Dispo Call URL except
it will send a web get out as soon as a lead is created by the inbound
process. There is a more limited set of variables available for use with
this option, see the admin.php help for more details

76. Changed the PARK CUSTOMER option in campaigns to use a Music-on-Hold context
instead of a difficult-to-configure filename and extension as before

77. Added new IVR PARK CUSTOMER feature to campaigns allowing an agent to park
a customer to an AGI script as an IVR and have the customer enter in
digits unassisted and then be redirected back to the agent who parked
them when they are finished. Optional in-group redirect if customer
does not enter valid input. See example park_call_IVR_example.agi script

78. Added In-Group options for Estimated Hold Time Minimum, which can replace
the "15 seconds" minimum accouncement with an announcement of your

79. Added a campaign option for Manual Preview Dial, to enable or disable that
manual dial option, as well as allowing or disallowing for the SKIP
lead option.

80. Added two new recording filename variable options: VENDORLEADCODE, LEADID

81. Added the ViciDial Web Dial Firefox web browser plugin, that allows right-
click selection dialing of phone numbers on web pages to a logged-in
ViciDial Agent session. See "extras/firefox_plugin" for more info.

82. Added ability to change users' in-group settings from the in-group
modification screen in bulk.

83. Added Agent Average time stats option to the real-time screen. Must enable
realtime_agent_time_stats option in campaign screen.

84. Added customer park time counter to the agent screen when customer is on
park. Also, added logging of parked calls to park_log table

85. Added ADDMEMBER queue_log logging option to System Settings, and added
CALLERONHOLD entries to queue_log when customer is on park.

86. Added admin no-cache and auto-refresh of modify screens to admin interface.
These are configurable in the System Settings

87. Added option for cross-server phone dialplan extensions in System Settings.

88. Added campaign feature to automatically adjust the hopper level to the
dialing rate and the number of active agents, also added a trim feature
to make sure the hopper is not filled too much

89. Added the ability to filter manual dial calls to adhere to the call time
scheme selected for the campaign. Does not work with State Call Times.
Must be enabled in the Campaign Detail settings.

90. Added the ability to queue multiple manual dial calls for a specific logged-
in agent using the Agent API. Feature must be enabled in the Campaign
Detail settings.

91. Added ability to modify scheduled callback dates and comments in the Admin
Modify Lead screen.

92. Added List override options for webform fields

93. Added script to purge all vicidial_callbacks records that are inactive or
are tied to deleted leads,
add to the crontab like this:
# cleanup of the scheduled callback records
25 0 * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/ --purge-non-cb -q

94. Added did_log_export and recording_lookup functions to the non-agent API

95. Added option to display statuses within the active lists of a campaign in
the campaign modification screen. Also includes called and not called

96. Added rewritten AJAX/Javascript driven real-time report, able to support

97. Added the ability to hide fields in the agent interface by entering
---HIDE--- into the System Settings label option for the field

98. Added preprocess leads in script to filter leads and generate standard
format lead files before being imported

99. Added the ability to have call times go beyond midnight for inbound calls.

100. Added capability for agent interface to have webphone as a thin top bar

101. Added hopper loader randomization option in Campaign Detail screen, which
allows for the results to be randomized inside of the sorted results as
sorted by the List Order option

102. Added add_user and add_phone non-agent API functions

103. Changed vicidial.php HTML formatting to be XHTML compliant

104. Added vdc_script_dispo_example.php script which can be customized to
require specific fields be filled in before submitting, as well as
limiting this restriction to only specific dispositions. You can also
specify dispositions to be selectable that are set to non-selectable.
You use this script in an IFRAME for the campaign. It must be
customized for your specific business rules.

105. Added the ability to use custom statuses for scheduled callbacks. These
are configurable with the Scheduled Callbacks flag in the System
Statuses and Campaign Statuses administrative screens.

106. Added Secondary List Order which allows for further sorting of leads to be
dialed by a secondary sorting method

107. Added Default Campaign setting for the My Callback agent interface option
so that the checkbox can be pre-selected or not on every call

108. Added the campaign option for per-call call notes in the agent interface.
If the User Group also has Call Log enabled, the agent can also see
the call notes from previous calls.

109. Added the add-a-new-lead link to the admin interface

110. Added ability for an agent to search for a lead in the agent interface
while paused. This feature can be enabled per campaign and per user.
Searches can optionally be restricted to campaign lists or only one
list. All search queries are logged.

111. Added options to restrict agent lead search to the owner field equal to
the user, user group or selected territories for the agent.

112. Added option for phone load balanced logins server twin checking on
systems that have servers installed in pairs

113. Changed scheduled callbacks display in the agent interface to show all
callback and lead information, including call history and call notes,
without having to dial the lead.

114. Added on-hook agent phone feature. This feature allows inbound calls from
customers to ring on an on-hook agent phone, but not be transferred to
that agent until the agent's phone is answered. If the call times out
then the call will go on to the next agent. This is defined in the
Phones record and allows the agent using the vicidial.php agent screen
to not have to stay on the phone at all times when they are logged in.
You will need to add the following lines to the default context in your
extensions.conf file:
; these are used for the ring_all function in VICIDIAL
exten => _8331*.,1,Playback(sip-silence)
exten => _8331*.,n,AGI(agi-VDAD_RINGALL.agi,${EXTEN})
exten => _8331*.,n,AGI(agi-VDAD_RINGALL.agi,${EXTEN})
exten => _8331*.,n,AGI(agi-VDAD_RINGALL.agi,${EXTEN})
exten => _8331*.,n,Hangup

115. Added ring_all Next Agent Call option for in-groups. This works with on-
hook agent phones to allow all available agents to have their phones
ring at the same time, with the first agent to pick up their phone
receiving the call. It is not recommended to use this on high-volume
systems or systems with many agents available.

116. Added DEFER options to the Scheduled Callbacks Alert campaign feature.
These allow you to stop the blinking of the alert in the agent screen
after you have viewed the callbacks, but if the number of callbacks
changes the red and/or blink will start again.

117. Added add_list and update_list functions to the Non-Agent API, allowing
you to add, modify and delete lists, as well as reset leads in a list,
change a list to active or inactive, change the campaign of a list and
delete the leads inside of a list.

118. Added Campaign option to auto-pause agents when they go into several
pre-call functions like Manual Dial, Lead Search, Callbacks Check, etc.
Also added an option to auto-resume the agent when leaving those

119. Changed almost all of the browser alerts to HTML alerts. These are the
messages that tell you for example that you cannot do this when paused.
The reason for the change is that browser alerts are blocking and will
halt executiong of javascript on the agent workstation. This change
should require no alterations to any configurations.

120. Added recording of Remote Agents calls per recording settings in campaigns.
If recording is set to ALLCALLS or ALLFORCE then a recording will be
initiated for the call upon routing to the Remote Agent and will be tied
to the R/ user and the lead_id. Also works with on-hook enabled. User-
level recording settings for the start user of the remote agent will
also be followed.

121. Added MULTI_LEAD option for Auto-Alt-Dialing. Using MULTI_LEAD allows you
to use a separate lead for each number on a customer account that all
share a common vendor_lead_code, and the type of phone number for each
is defined with a label in the Owner field. This option will disable
some options on the Modify Campaign screen and show a link to the
Multi-Alt Settings page which allows you to set which phone number types
, defined by the label of each lead, will be dialed and in what order.
This will create a special lead filter and will alter the Rank field of
all of the leads inside the lists set to this campaign in order to call
them in the order you have specified.

122. Added option to use the owner field to define a time zone abbreviation code
Works across web/api/cli lead loading methods. There is also an option
in the time zone updating script to use this method.

123. Added ability to use external_dial Agent API function with a defined
lead_id and optional alt_dial setting

124. Added feature to give an alert on manual dial campaigns if the phone number
area code and the postal code are in different time zones, or if either
of them are outside of the local call time for the campaign. Viewable in
preview mode as well as lead info viewing from the callbacks list, the
call log and search results in the agent interface.

125. Added utility to synchronize users, remote agents, dids, call menus,
in-groups and campaigns with entries in QM:

126. Added Custom 3-Way Button Transfer feature which allows for 3-way calls to
be placed using one of several lead fields or campaign presets, as well
as the customer optionally being put on park, and the transfer - conf
frame being brought up, all at the click of one button on the main agent

127. Added the agc/phone_only.php script, a web-based web-phone-only client
application that allows full phone usage without needing to login as an

128. Added option to Lists to allow you to choose in the List Modification
screen the method of time zone adjustment that happens nightly on a per
list basis. COUNTRY_AND_AREA_CODE is the default, and will use the
country code and area code of the phone number to determine the time
zone of the lead. POSTAL_CODE will use the postal code if available to
determine the time zone of the lead. NANPA_PREFIX works only in the USA
and will use the area code and prefix of the phone number to determine
the time zone of the lead, but this is not enabled by default in the
system, so please be sure you have the NANPA prefix data loaded onto
your system before selecting this option. OWNER_TIME_ZONE_CODE will use
a standard time zone abbreviation loaded into the owner field of the
lead to determine the time zone, in the USA examples are AST, EST, CST,
MST, PST, AKST, HST. This feature does NOT affect the time zone used at
the moment leads are loaded, that needs to be selected when you are
loading leads. This feature must be enabled in the crontab for the GMT
adjust script:
/usr/share/astguiclient/ --list-settings

129. Added Available Only Tally Threshold campaign option which allows you to
set the number of agents below which Available Only Tally will be
temporarily enabled

130. Added Auto Dial Level Threshold campaign option which allows you to set a
minimum number agents that the predictive algorithm will work at. If the
number of agents falls below the number that you have set, then the
dial level will go to 1.0 until more agents log in or go into the
selected state

131. Change Dial Level Difference Target to work properly with all RATIO and
ADAPT dial method outbound campaigns. Added a Method option to restrict
this feature to only calculation of dial level or to affect the calls
dialed on each dialing engine.

132. Added ability to have outbound auto-dial campaigns drop to an audio prompt
or a call menu. Outbound IVR Report added. Added optional logging of
call menu caller key presses. Lead ID can now be preserved on calls
coming from auto-dial or in-groups that go through call menus and back
into an in-group. Call Menu transfer also works from an Outbound Survey.

133. Added new agent interface alert where manual dial calls will not be allowed
if the disposition process has not completed. Usually a rare problem on
systems with networking issues.

134. Added Callback Days Limit campaign option to allow scheduled callbacks to
be scheduled only a set number of days from today.

135. Added ability to disable the Disposition screen on the agent interface.

136. Added options to define conf file and copy web language
translation files.

137. Added Export Leads Report similar to Export Calls Report, but a lead is
only exported once and with the current status.

138. Added Agent Screen Labels sub-section of the Admin functions. Allows for
each campaign to use a different set of labels for the fields on the
default agent screen.

139. Added ability to define the agent screen status fields shown to the agent:
Call ID, Lead ID and List ID

140. Added HIDDEN and READONLY field types for custom list fields.

141. Added Outbound Campaign Test Call feature to allow you to place a call from
the Campaign Detail screen that will go out as if it were an auto-dial
call. Must be enabled in System Settings.

142. Added ability to check for USA and Canada valid prefix and areacodes when
loading leads into the web/cli/api lead loaders

143. Added ability to use AGENTEXT in AGENTDIRECT in-groups as a way to send
dropped, no-agent-no-queue and other transferred calls to a specific
dialplan number per-user defined in the User Custom Five field.

144. Added last_inbound_call_time and last_inbound_call_finish Next Agent Call
routing options to in-groups.

145. Added CSV download option to almost all reports.

146. Added manual dial agent skip lead logging to the user stats page

147. Added HIDEBLOB field type for custom list fields

148. Added options to set the voicemail zone and extra voicemail options for
each voicemail box in phones and extra voicemail boxes. Also added
default voicemail zone and timezone settings in the system settings.
** **** NOTE **** You might want to add the new zones in the new
** voicemail.conf.sample file to your voicemail.conf file
You must delete the BUILD voicemail file for this feature to work:
rm -f /etc/asterisk/BUILDvoicemail-vicidial.conf

149. Added ability to chose the type of callerid sent for inbound ring-agent
calls in the in-group: GENERIC, INGROUP, CUSTOMER PHONE and a couple
of combinations of those.

150. Added NA Call URL feature to campaigns and in-groups. This works like
dispo call url, but it works only for non-agent handled calls, like
dropped calls, No Answers, Busy, etc...

151. Changed MULTI_LEAD Auto-Alt-Dial to use the Auto-Alt-Dial Statuses as set
in the campaign automatically. If you are using MULTI_LEAD you may need
to add statuses like DROP, PDROP and others to your campaign's auto-alt
dial statuses so that the other leads tied by vendor_lead_code in the
campaign's lists are not deactivated.

152. Added noanswer logging feature to System Settings, will log only auto-dial
calls that are not answered to a separate table

153. Added new Team Performance Detail report to the Reports page. This is a
fairly detailed and database-intensive report that summarizes several
user-grouped statistics

154. Added ability to use static audio from dynamic fields in Survey and
Answering machine messages when using Cepstral TTS

155. Added the Campaign Status List Report which shows calls broken down by
status within each list_id for a campaign.

156. Added update_phone, add_phone_alias, update_phone_alias functions to the
Non-Agent API.

157. Added optional DID Agent logging as System Settings option. This logs calls
that come into DIDs in a separate table that includes the in-group and
user that the call was sent to, if applicable

158. Added options in Call Menus to allow for invalid action on second or third
invalid selection by the caller instead of just the first.

159. Added ability to set custom callerID numbers per campaign for outbound
calls by areacode. You can even set multiple callerIDs per areacode.

160. Added Agent API function logout to log an agent out of their session

161. Added Phone Login Load Balancing Grouping campaign settings to allow
smaller campaigns to have their agents on the same server to allow for
more efficient dialing on outbound campaigns. Must have more than one
agent server and phone aliases enabled for this feature to work.

162. Added DID remote agent extension override entries allowing for inbound
calls that are routed to remote agents being able to have DID-specific
extensions that a call would be routed to instead of the remote agent
extension. Multiple entries allowed per DID/Remote-Agent as well as
per DID for all agents(---ALL---). Must be enabled in System Settings.

163. Added 9 new User permissions to allow access to specific Admin sections
like Vociemail Music-on-hold and 7 others individually.

164. Added ability to define a callerid to use for action transfers from
in-groups(Drop, After-Hours, No-Agent-No-Queue) when transferring out
to voicemail, extension, callmenu, etc... You can also select that the
customer phone number is used.

165. Added ability to drop or after-hours to a call menu in in-groups.

166. Added ability to set scheduled callbacks through the non-agent-api in the
add_lead and update_lead functions.

167. Added new cm_lookup.agi script to allow for account lookups within a
Call Menu without having to go into an in-group. Also new Call Menu
option added to allow for vicidial_list field logging of responses
inside of a call menu.

166. Added new Call Count Limit option to the campaign screen. This allows you
to limit the number of attempts for any lead being dialed by a campaign.
Previously you had to use a filter to achieve this functionality.

167. Added new Complete flag for statuses and campaign statuses. Used by the
new columns mentioned below as well as for future reports.

168. Added Dialable and Penetration columns to the Statuses Within This List/
Campaign tables on the list and campaign screens, showing the DIALABLE
count for each status as well as the complete-flag and call-count-limit
percentage as PENETRATION.

169. Added Admin -> Contacts section(must be enabled in System Settings) which
allows for system-wide transfer contacts to be used in conjunction with
Custom Transfer being set to VIEW_CONTACTS and Enable Transfer Presets
set to CONTACTS. Able to be disabled per user. Also can be accessed from
a separate database by using the Alt Log settings in System Settings.
The purpose of this feature is to be used for a receptionist or operator
that needs to transfer calls to non-agents.

170. Added Scheduled Callback Hours Block feature to block USERONLY callbacks
from being displayed to an agent within a set number of hours since the
callback was set. Also, added Calltime Block feature which will remove
DIAL links from callback list if the lead is outside of the campaign
selected call time.

171. Added "Admin User Group" setting to just about every section of the admin
web interface and reports, allowing for more complete administrative
access segmentation for different divisions within the same company.

172. Added Max Calls settings to in-groups, allowing for a cap on concurrent
calls being handled by each in-group, either in total or in queue.

173. Added ability to block customer information and hide portions of customer
phone numbers within the admin interface on a per admin-user basis.

174. Added ability to set scheduled callbacks with Agent API.

175. Added alt_phone and address3 field searches to DID and Call Menu in-group
call routing, to allow searching first by phone number, then optionally
by alt_phone and address3.

176. Added new Inbound Daily Report.

177. Added new Grade-Random Next-Agent-Call methods that allow for agents to
have a higher or lower probability of receiving the next call depending
on their grade for a specific in-group or campaign.

178. Added ability to update phone number on a lead when call is looked up
through the cm_lookup.agi script from a Call Menu

179. Added Daily Max Stats used for measuring the total calls for the day for
in-groups and campaigns as well as the maximum number of concurrent
calls handled by each at any time during the day. Small graphs added to
the in-group and campaign screens as well as larger graphs with more
details on a new report screen. These stats are summary stats that are
generated from the logs in real-time on the back end, they are not
recalculated every time the screen loads as with most other reports.

180. Added Timer Action for Dx_DIAL_QUIET options and timer_rebeep.agi script to
allow for periodic beep in agent session required by some organizations
to make customers aware of a recorded line.

181. Added Dialer Inventory Report, requires a process to be added to the
crontab after-hours to gather the statistics (this example is 7:01am):
1 7 * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/ -q --override-24hours

182. Separated the auto-generated dialplan into different contexts to allow for
easier segmentation of dialing permissions using the Phone Context and
custom Call Menus. Here is a list of the new contexts that are now below
the vicidial-auto context:

183. Added Remote-Agent daily stats to the remote agent modification screen that
shows total calls and maximum number of concurrent calls per day.

184. Added 'Hopper VLC Dup Check' campaign option that will check for duplicates
by vendor_lead_code before inserting leads into the hopper to be dialed.
This option is only recommended for some campaigns that are using the
MULTI_LEAD option of Auto-Alt-Dial.
*It is recommended that if you want to enable this feature you should
index the vendor_lead_code field in the vicidial_list table:
CREATE INDEX vendor_lead_code on vicidial_list (vendor_lead_code);

185. Added Dialer Inventory Report options for excluding lists and ranking
shifts display order.

186. Added User Group multi-selection option to the real-time report.

187. Added HTML bar chart display options to most of the reports.

188. Added SCRIPT_multirecording.php script that allows triggering of starting
and stopping of recordings on demand within a script in a IFRAME

189. Added compatibility for DAHDI channelbank phones for agents in vicidial.php

190. Added Carrier Log and Hangup Reason reports to Admin Utilities screen

191. Added Lead Loading File Templates

192. Added "--daily" option to the script allowing
for the call_log and vicidial_log_extended tables to be archived every
night and only keep the last 24-hours of logs in the active table.

193. Changed the script to only need to run on one server
NOTE: IMPORTANT !!!!! disable this script on the crontab of all but one
server on your cluster.

194. Added Danish agent web interface translation
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Re: Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby williamconley » Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:24 pm

Good googamooga. Is all this going to be in the manual? I knew there were a lot of upgrades and enhancements, but this is huge.
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Re: Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby mflorell » Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:05 pm

Yes, it's all going to be in the manuals, and we are putting the API stuff in there too. Looks like the 2.4 Manager Manual is going to be over 300 pages when we are done with it.
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Re: Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby GaD » Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:54 pm

Quick question..., the Vici releases so far do not support per user language, does it? It supports only one langueage per server (meaning the web interface) correct? It would be a nice *extra* if it could be per user web language.. :)
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Re: Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby Vince-0 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:23 am

I like your work!
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Re: Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby sofcall » Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:57 am

We appreciate your effort
it's all going to be in the manuals

free one or paid one.
Thank you.
Goautodial CE 2.1/Vicidial version 2.4-309a
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Re: Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby mflorell » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:13 am

GaD- The languages will work as they always have, through separate URLs for the agent and administrative interfaces. There are no per-user settings for this, and actually we have never been asked to do it that way until you asked right now, so there isn't much demand for it and it would take quite a bit of work to make that happen and maintain.

sofcall- As for the manuals, the new free manager manual will be abbreviated as always, but it will contain more than the old free manual of course.
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Re: Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby slider » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:55 am

Seriously great work. Very helpful features. We will begin testing right away.
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Re: Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby gardo » Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:09 am

Alright! We are nearing 2.4. Thanks Vicidial group for all the hardwork.
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Re: Vicidial 2.4 Release Candidate 1 is out!

Postby omarrodriguezt » Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:16 am

Thank you Vicidial Group.
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