Configure dial plan for an E1 trunk UK

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Configure dial plan for an E1 trunk UK

Postby foxpc123 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:48 pm

Vicibox 3.1.15 64 bit - Version 2.6-365a Dell Poweredge R210 Xeon Quad 8GB - Sangoma A101 Card

Guys I'm a complete newbie to Vicidial and have configured this today, following various guides. Apologies if the information about the specification isn't complete - however, I'm unsure as to how to identify all of the major components listed in the 'before you post guide' as it doesn't explain how to identify the various modules.

I've been able to configure the Sangoma card using the wancfg_dahdi command and I can see that the PRI E1 (20 channels in use) has cleared all alarms and all looks o.k. from dahdi show status, pri show spans etc.

I'm also able to follow the manager and agent manuals and have been able to get an agent to connect to the conf bridge, and also place a call from one agent extension to the other so I'm fairly happy that the SIP side of things is functioning o.k.

However, I'm at a loss as to how to create and configure a dial plan so that I can test the outgoing E1 trunk from an agent SIP phone and then also how that would play out once a test campaign has been loaded. As stated before any help would be gratefully received and would probably be best for me in a step by step format.


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Re: Configure dial plan for an E1 trunk UK

Postby striker » Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:40 am


For the E1 use the below

go to admin=> carriers=> add new carrier
carrier id : give some name
Carrier Name: giv esome name
Carrier Description: give some name
Registration String: leave empty
Template ID: None
accountentry : leave empty
Protocol: zap
Globals String: PRITRUNk=DAHDI/g0 "change the go to g1 or g2 or what ever group name u given while doing wancfg_dahdi"
Dialplan Entry:
exten => _9X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _9X.,2,Dial(${PRITRUNK}/${EXTEN:1},,tTor)
exten => _9X.,3,Hangup
Last edited by striker on Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total. Telegram/skype id : striker24x7
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Re: Configure dial plan for an E1 trunk UK

Postby foxpc123 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:45 am

Thanks for the reply - I've added the carrier and also added the dial plan as indicated which appears to have been successful.

However, when I try to dial any numbers I get an extension not recognised message in asterisk - r and also I cannot see the entries for the carrier in the extensions.conf file in /etc/asterisk/ which I was thinking would have been edited to have these entries in - do I have to add these in to the extensions.conf file by hand as well?
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Re: Configure dial plan for an E1 trunk UK

Postby foxpc123 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:46 am

Sorry to elaborate on the reply above I meant to say when an attempt is made to dial say a UK number with a 9 before for it i,e, 901131234567 for example then I get an extension not recognised.
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Re: Configure dial plan for an E1 trunk UK

Postby farmerjim » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:42 am

Just seen this and don't know if you solved it.
You need to edit chan_dahdi.conf and add the following entries
Vicidial-redux 3.1.12 from iso | Asterisk | Sangoma A101D | no additional software | VICIdial VERSION: 2.4-346a BUILD: 111102-1930
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Re: Configure dial plan for an E1 trunk UK

Postby striker » Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:02 am

post the asterisk cli log here . Telegram/skype id : striker24x7
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