How to handle inbound anonymous calls on outbound campaigns

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How to handle inbound anonymous calls on outbound campaigns

Postby dspaan » Tue May 15, 2012 12:16 pm

We do blended outbound and inbound campaigns on different VICIdial servers.

On one campaign we use VIDPROMPTLOOKUP and let the customer enter his vendor lead code so the proper outbound lead is matched with the inbound call.
On another campaign we use CIDLOOKUP to match the proper outbound record.

In both scenario's we experience issues with anonymous callers or callers who don't know their vendor lead code. In those cases VICIdial creates a new lead (because it was unable to match). We have written a manual for our agents instructing them they have to lookup the proper customer via the LEAD SEARCH function in these cases after they have finished the inbound call. This means that they have to do the following steps:

1.lookup the correct vendor lead code or phone number of the customer and copy/paste this to clipboard
2.While keeping the data in the clipboard disposition the inbound call with a special disposition, something like 'double lead'
3.With the clipboard data use the lead search function to look for the existing outbound lead
4.Call that lead and immediately hang up
5.Disposition the outbound lead with the result from the inbound call

All these steps just to make sure problems don't arise on blended campaigns. I'm wondering if there is an easier way?

If there isn't maybe it's time to discuss a new feature so agents can lookup the correct lead while they have the customer on the phone when they receive an inbound call that is not matched with an existing lead.

I already asked VICIdial group for a quote to give the customer an IVR error message when the vendor lead code they entered is incorrect. But this would only be a partial solution.
Regards, Dennis

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Re: How to handle inbound anonymous calls on outbound campai

Postby dspaan » Mon May 21, 2012 11:01 am

Bump -anyone?
Regards, Dennis

Vicibox 9.0.1
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