Leads with special chars / umlaut

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Leads with special chars / umlaut

Postby pinguin » Wed May 16, 2012 9:45 am


I installed ViciBox Redux v.3.1.15 release via ISO.

If I want to upload new Leads with german "Umlaut" (ä, ü, ö) the hole data is stripped of from the point where the "umlaut" is.
For example I want to upload "RA Müller" to Address Line 1 their will be just "RA M" in the field.

How can I solve this problem!?

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Re: Leads with special chars / umlaut

Postby williamconley » Wed May 16, 2012 8:58 pm

Thanks for posting your installer with version. Please always post your Vicidial Version with Build (required!) on each post.

I've never (?) had anyone ask before, but I do believe there have been a few posts. The solution (unless there's already one out there) is in the lead loader script. It cleans out all incoming and would need to be informed that these characters are "allowed". Also the character set of the database and web page would need to be validated to be sure nothing is broken by allowing these characters.

You may want to check around a bit, as there are translations available for Vicidial and I would assume that some of them have special characters, but I have no recollection of anyone posting a solution.

IF you don't find it, I would suggest putting this in as a feature request in the Vicidial Issue Tracker and consider (seriously) sponsoring the added functionality.

You can also experiment with the importing of special characters by modifying the code yourself to change the character filters and see how it works, and post your changes to the Issue Tracker if they work (as DIFF files against the original so it will be easy to port your changes into the latest code).
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Re: Leads with special chars / umlaut

Postby Framercy » Mon May 21, 2012 12:42 pm

Be sure to save your leads as Unicode utf-8 before uploading! If you insert a leads file, saved as ISO-8859-1 or win-1252 or latin1 you will get no proper translation/representation of special chars!

But why your entries are stripped after the special char is beyond my knowledge because I have no experience with the Vicibox ISOs...

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Re: Leads with special chars / umlaut

Postby ciacho » Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:59 am

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