Strange Bug

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Strange Bug

Postby IslandCabby » Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:35 am

Get this error emailed to me:

command timed-out at /usr/share/astguiclient/ line 269, and asterisk will not fully function (previously would not register sip carrier channels or softphones.) The line in question reads " @list_channels = $t->cmd(String => "$COMMAND", Prompt => '/Response: Pong.*/'); " Have not done any updates or made any changes since it was working this morning, did reboot, ran database maintenance, stopped and restarted asterisk, no joy. Attempted to walk through this, if I understand it correctly it sets @list_channels as being clear buffer and run command Action: Command\nCommand: Meetme list $PT_conf_extens[$i]\n\nAction: Ping\n\n" and reply "pong" if sucessfull. So it's timing out when pulling the meetme list... is that correct and why would it die there?

VERSION: 2.4-361a
BUILD: 120221-1647
Asterisk Version: built by abuild @ build07 on a x86_64 running CentOS"
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Re: Strange Bug

Postby IslandCabby » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:44 pm

Update, now I get a Mysql Server has gone Away error.... This server started going haywire early this morning after receiving a registration from an unfamiliar ip address. We subsequently disabled the softphone attempting to connect and then these issues started happening. Does anyone know if there is any way one of my guys might have disabled sip altogether?
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Re: Strange Bug

Postby mcargile » Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:46 am

How many of these messages are you getting? Had a customer with a similar problem. Come to find out he was getting those messages because cron was being stopped after asterisk / mysql during a reboot. If it ran one of the scripts while those were shutdown / shutting down you can get that exact behavior. At which point he just started ignoring them without issue.
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