by mstopkey » Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:34 pm
Hi William. How's your world?
Here is what we are doing. We have a manual dial/inbound campaign with closers logged in. They take transfers from other campaigns/agents and drops from ingroups that are in other campaigns. This all works as intended on the transfer. The data from the contact from the list in any of those campaigns populates the closer agent screen.
The survey campaign will not do this. It is a TTS enabled campaign that on the survey setup has 125 in the Survey DTMF Digits.
First audio file contents are as follows.
<audio src='/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/Allison-hello.wav'/>
<audio src='/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/Allison-thiscallisfor.wav'/> --A--first_name--B-- --A--last_name--B--,
<break time='200ms'/>
<audio src='/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/Allison-if-you-are-not.wav'/> --A--first_name--B-- --A--last_name--B--,
<break time='200ms'/>
<audio src='/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/Allison-please-press-2-hang-up.wav'/><break time='200ms'/>
--A--first_name--B-- --A--last_name--B--
<audio src='/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/Allison-private.wav'/>
<break time='200ms'/>
<audio src='/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/Allison-minimaranda.wav'/>
<break time='200ms'/>
<audio src='/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/Allison-xfer.wav'/>
Or call 888, XXX, XXXX today. Again, the number to call is 888, XXX, XXXX
When the person called presses 5, it sends them to a survey call menu. That menu then is set to first option TIMEOUT, route is INGROUP, INGROUP is an InGroup that the closers are a member of and that InGroup is allowed in the closer campaign. Call Menu Otions HANDLE METHOD is CIDLOOKUP, SEARCH METHOD is LB for all servers, List ID is 998, Campaign ID is the closer campaign.
I have played with Handle Methods to no avail.
ViciBox 7.0.4 | Version 2.14-694a | SVN Trunk | 2803| Asterisk 11.25.1-vici |Build 181005-1738 | DB Schema 1561 | 7 64bit Telephony servers | 3 64bit Web servers | 1 64bit Database server | 1 64bit Archive server