Remote access to server from home.

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Remote access to server from home.

Postby Cj4life24 » Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:25 pm

I need to set up Vicidial to be viewable from my bosses home computer can anyone help me get this set up. They do not need to make calls but will need to get into the server to make Admin changes when they are not here. They used to have access but now they no longer do. i have changed nothing and. Can anyone help please

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Re: Remote access to server from home.

Postby gers55 » Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:52 pm

Is your vicidialbox on the local network ie or do access it via an ip on the net . You will need a static ip address in order to reach the box and you will have to update your ip address to the said static ip.
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Re: Remote access to server from home.

Postby Cj4life24 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:31 am

Yes i already have a static ip, the server has 2 Nics and it has a internam 192.168 and an external 77.101 addresses. this means i should be able to just type the external address into the browser right? I want to be able to just view the admin.php pages on the home computer but the address i use to reach the pages inside my network is

ViciBox Redux 3.1.9

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Re: Remote access to server from home.

Postby gers55 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:26 pm

Try yourserverip 77.01/vicidial/admin.php

If no good .Check if your server is behind a firewall or iptables and ensure you add the bosses ip address at home to the white / allowed list
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Re: Remote access to server from home.

Postby williamconley » Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:48 pm

gers55 wrote:Is your vicidialbox on the local network ie or do access it via an ip on the net . You will need a static ip address in order to reach the box and you will have to update your ip address to the said static ip.

static ip is not a requirement.

but if your boss's ip address changes and you have allowed the previous ip through the yast firewall, you'll need to change the yast firewall to allow his new ip address.

Code: Select all
yast firewall

in the left pane, at the bottom, is a "custom" area in which you can allow specific ip addresses access to tcp or udp ports. web (http) is tcp port 80. so allow his ip address access to tcp (and remove his old ip if it is still in there).
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Re: Remote access to server from home.

Postby Cj4life24 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:50 pm

how can i check to see or to put his IP on the White list

ViciBox Redux 3.1.9

VERSION: 2.4-316a
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Re: Remote access to server from home.

Postby williamconley » Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:57 pm

williamconley wrote:
Code: Select all
yast firewall

in the left pane, at the bottom, is a "custom" area in which you can allow specific ip addresses access to tcp or udp ports. web (http) is tcp port 80. so allow his ip address access to tcp (and remove his old ip if it is still in there).
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