Moderators: enjay, williamconley, Staydog, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba
ZoVoS wrote:Out of interest would you consider adding an optional failtoban installation into the vicibox install? (if not I can edit your ISO anyway, i was just wondering if that was a direction you wanted to go down?)
ZoVoS wrote:Hey Kumba I have a heavy day of CRM integrations today so not much time to test my self, but a friend of mine was switching over from go autodial and I suggested he gives it a try.
He tried to install twice and each time the root password after the OS install would not work.
After poking around I noticed it was set to blank. I'm not sure what caused his issue (it could be of his own making). I'll probably attempt a install later and check it my self. Just a heads up.
4jc0m0 wrote:@Kumba, is the finished installer included in the beta4 ISO? If not, can you please post it here, or better on the SVN?
Also, are there any plans to add support for other distros than Vicibox? A good starting point for a selection might look like this: Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat/CentOS/Scientific Linux, Suse. Cheers.
DomeDan wrote:The finished installer will not be called beta
DomeDan wrote:Vicibox is OpenSuSE with vicidial
and vicidial will probably run fine on any distribution.
bryan.kewl wrote:does OpenSUSE 12.1 support /boot on Soft RAID-1? OpenSUSE 11.x don't support /boot on soft RAID-1.
The installer is progressing along nicely. The --restore option is planned but will probably come as part of a later revision.
As part of a design decision would anyone miss not having the branch available for selection? In other words, I've built the installer around working with SVN trunk. There is currently no option to select installing the 2.4 Branch of ViciDial. You can, however, tell it what SVN version to install.
Trying wrote:Weirdly enough I did try the expert install mode as well and it did not ask me for the revision. I then did a revision checkout which seemed to work but connection to MySql was lost after rebooting. The Vicidial Group fixed it by installing MySql 5.1. They reckon Vicidial has issues with 5.5.
Trying wrote:Is it not better then to use 5.1 in the distro's until the issue is resolved?
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