Since OpenSuSE killed off 11.3 officially, I had to re-do the repo. This resulted in some packages changing names. Here is what you will need to do in order to get a ViciBox v.3.1 install playing nice with the new updates:
1) zypper refresh
2) zypper dup
3) zypper remove asterisk-vici dahdi-tools-devel dahdi-tools
4) zypper remove dahdi-kmp-pae dahdi wanpipe-kmp-pae voicesync-kmp-pae wanpipe-voicetime-kmp-pae
5) zypper in asterisk-dahdi dahdi-linux dahdi-linux-kmp-pae dahdi-tools voicesync-kmp-pae wanpipe-voicetime-kmp-pae wanpipe-kmp-pae
4) zypper remove dahdi-kmp-default dahdi wanpipe-kmp-default voicesync-kmp-default wanpipe-voicetime-kmp-default
5) zypper in asterisk-dahdi dahdi-linux dahdi-linux-kmp-default dahdi-tools voicesync-kmp-default wanpipe-voicetime-kmp-default wanpipe-kmp-default
That should pull in package updates and get you the following:
Asterisk v.1.4.44-vici
Wanpipe v.3.5.28 (Needs to be verified working)
VoiceSync v.
Wanpipe Voicetime v.1.0.15 (Verified as still broken)
OpenR2 v.1.3.2
If what you have is working fine then there is no reason to bother upgrading. Nothing is going to work any better, and if what you need is one of the unverified or broken Sangoma drivers then you might get stuck with an unusable system. Always maked back-up's, preferably an image-based backup with something like CloneZilla, before you proceed to upgrade the software.