Building Survey

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Building Survey

Postby Nefariousparity » Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:36 pm

Hi, my employer and I are currently building a survey within Vicidial that our agents can click on one of five radio buttons to answer questions they read and ask the customer. To build this survey, we went to <lists> ----> <list custom fields> then built out custom fields. Then go to campaign, chose detail view, went down script and chose it as a drop down.

So when a user logs in, a call is placed, and they will see six questions, with six answers with radio button.

My question is, questions reset after they disposition the call. Where do the answers to the question get stored? Or better yet, how do I make it to where they are stored in the database. Ultimately, the information I would like to pull from mysql would be.....

Phone number, Disposition, Answers to questions,Call Time, Date Call was placed.

So I figured out where I can add variables in the script, how do I add the custom variables for the custom fields I created in the lists? Thank you for your time.

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Re: Building Survey

Postby williamconley » Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:39 pm

The results of a custom field entry are stored in a table named "custom_XXXX" where XXXX is the list id. The lead_id will be there to "match it up" with the original lead in the vicidial_list table.
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Re: Building Survey

Postby Nefariousparity » Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:32 pm

Williamconley, that is very enlightening with what you said. But could you please give me an example? Just for your information, our lead data or (lists with phone numbers) have survey information prior. We are interested in dialing the numbers, and having our agents see this survey pop on their screen, read the questions to the customer, click on the corresponding radio button answers to the questions and then dis positioning the calls. Next call process starts over again.

What I would like after that, is to be able to go in, and get all this information, Answers to questions, call dispo, call time, call date, phone number, etc in one report would be nice. :)

Thank you so much for your response. In my next response I will post pictures to guide what I am saying more thoroughly since that will be my tenth response where I can finally post URL's. :)
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Re: Building Survey

Postby Nefariousparity » Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:46 pm

So here is a shot of what my test survey looks like in the custom fields under "lists".
And here is where I am trying to write a custom script, using a template that came with vici, trying to guess at the correct syntax to load the custom fields I have defined in a list.
And then finally, here is a preview, that should be showing my custom fields, but since I am using the other code at the moment, it is showing something different. This happens when I click on preview script.

So again for anyone knew, what I am trying to do is build a survey, that has questions with answers via radio buttons. The agent makes a call, based on customer response clicks a radio button answering the corresponding question. That information is logged to database, that I can then later run a report and collect the data or answer to these questions. I have created external solutions to this, but it is adding another cog to my machine so to say, and am trying to automate this all as much as possible.
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Re: Building Survey

Postby Nefariousparity » Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:50 pm

Ok, so we seemed to have gotten that figured out. Now the next problem is, how do we have the headers show when we run a report for our custom fields?
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