Simultaneous calls and core show channels

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Simultaneous calls and core show channels

Postby sofcall » Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:24 pm


I have 19 agents in a single server doing manual calls, using ulaw with no recording and often disabling Server logs and Carrier logging.

the load is often below 2.00 working fine.

and i m begining to worry about internet connexion since i'm planning to add a new server with 16 agents on it with manual dial.

"not separating the database and webserver or loadbalancing"only a new server that would have nothing to do with the first one unless it would be in the same building sharing the same network and internet connexion .

so would 3 mega upload download be sufficient with that total number of agents.(35)
I often read in this forum that the number of agent is not important but the number of simultaneous call is.
Even in the vidial admin page it says:
it is important to note that the number of Asterisk channels is usually much higher than the number of actual calls on a system

i tought that 19 agents doing manual calls meant at the max 19 simultaneous calls. But when i type
Code: Select all
watch -n 1 "sudo asterisk -vvvvvrx 'core show channels' | grep call"

it show 50 active calls or more sometimes.

and when i calculate the 50 calls using ulaw with sip protocol it gives
3.89 Mbps

and using g729a it gives 1.15 Mbps

the probleme is when using g729a the audio quality is not as good as ulaw.

Thank you.
Goautodial CE 2.1/Vicidial version 2.4-309a
Single server (IBM E-SERVER - 2 Cpu /Intel Xeon 2.6 GHz quad core(Processors:4)
3 Mega upload and download
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Re: Simultaneous calls and core show channels

Postby williamconley » Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:50 pm

the active asterisk channels is not an indicator of the number of channels using the bandwidth.

the only thing you care about is what is actually being transmitted over the bandwidth.

iftop is very useful to show the bandwidth in use.

man iftop (if you need instructions in its use)
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Re: Simultaneous calls and core show channels

Postby Vince-0 » Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:32 am

I use a slightly different grep command to see how many calls are connected to the carrier using the Up keyword and counting the number of lines with wc -l:

Code: Select all
watch -n 1 "asterisk -vvvvvrx 'core show channels' | grep 'Dial(IAX2/CarrierNameGoesHere' | grep Up | wc -l"

Change "IAX2/CarrierNameGoesHere". You can see calls in Ringing and Up status by just removing the "| grep Up" part.
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Re: Simultaneous calls and core show channels

Postby sofcall » Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:53 am

You were very helpful guys.

Thank you very much.
Goautodial CE 2.1/Vicidial version 2.4-309a
Single server (IBM E-SERVER - 2 Cpu /Intel Xeon 2.6 GHz quad core(Processors:4)
3 Mega upload and download
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