Vicidial Dedicated Server Setup steps

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Vicidial Dedicated Server Setup steps

Postby ianz2k7 » Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:07 am

Hi All,

I have vicibox redux v.3.1.15 release, and what I'm going to do is separate the database in a dedicated server.

Can someone teach me how to setup a new server database for vicibox and integrate it to my vicibox redux v.3.1.15

Please.. I need help. Thank You!
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Re: Vicidial Dedicated Server Setup steps

Postby williamconley » Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:28 pm

1) Use Vicibox 4.0 to install a whole new server. Then upgrade your old server to match. Then move the DB into the new server. Then wipe the old server clean and install Vicibox 4.0 it as "just a web/dialer" and the new Vicibox installer will handle pretty much all of the "clustering" for you.


2) ... v1%201.pdf
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Re: Vicidial Dedicated Server Setup steps

Postby DomeDan » Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:24 am

I recently separated the database from web/telephony but there is more load on web/telephony compared to the database so I think you should move the web to the new server too.
maybe you should let the scripts run on web/database too? I'm not sure.

I used the same iso version as the original server to prevent version issues if they were to occur.

anyway, basic steps, be prepared to spend a couple of hours:
This should only be done if your familiar with linux and the vicidial system, if you don't know what these commands do, then don't execute them
/etc/init.d/cron stop && /etc/init.d/vicidial stop
echo "FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;" | mysql -uroot -p
mysqldump -uroot -p --all-databases --lock-all-tables > ~/mysqldump_move_database.dump
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
edit file /etc/astguiclient.conf change value "VARDB_server => X.X.X.X" set the ip-adress of the new server used as database

install vicibox on the new server web/databse or whatever you want
import the databasedump:
mysql -uroot -p < mysqldump_move_database.dump

and use chkconfig to enable/disable services like apache, cron, mysql, vicidial etc
chkconfig mysql off #on the telephony server for example.
/etc/init.d/cron start && /etc/init.d/vicidial start #etc when your done
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Re: Vicidial Dedicated Server Setup steps

Postby williamconley » Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:38 am

When you have ONLY the DB on a server ... you do not need to run any scripts or have anything "vicidial" on that server. Kinda handy. Just DB (need not even have Vicidial installed).

However, when most companies split the server roles, they put web/DB on the same server and that has some requirements for installation of services on the web server ... which Vicibox handles nicely during the quiz. Of course, there is also our manual above :)

Remember, though, that it is not enough to use the same .iso, you must have exactly the same version of Vicidial installed. This is easy with GoAutoDial as the version is what's on the CD. But with Vicibox you have the possibility of SVN installation which may result in a different Vicidial Version (svn revision) than what is on the CD. So two installs from the same CD can easily be different (and incompatible) versions. The solution to that is to use "svn info" in the source folder to get (and MATCH) the revision level of the two machines.
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