Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
$stmt="select count(*) as calls,sum(talk_sec) as talk,full_name,vicidial_users.user,sum(pause_sec),sum(wait_sec),sum(dispo_sec),status,sum(dead_sec) from vicidial_users,vicidial_agent_log where event_time <= '$query_date_END' and event_time >= '$query_date_BEGIN' and vicidial_users.user=vicidial_agent_log.user and pause_sec<65000 and wait_sec<65000 and talk_sec<65000 and dispo_sec<65000 $group_SQL $user_group_SQL group by user,full_name,status ORDER by vicidial_agent_log.status ='SALE' desc limit 500000;";
Plat wrote:Hey any chance of me getting my hands on the script that you wrote for the leaderboard? That would be awesome
DomeDan wrote:Plat wrote:Hey any chance of me getting my hands on the script that you wrote for the leaderboard? That would be awesome
Sure, I've just posted it on the issue tracker
But its unlikely it will fit your needs but you might be able to rewrite it
Cool thanks i'll take a look at it
if this topic "Leaderboard Job" is a job your doing for someone else, remember that my script is under AGPLv2 license, you cant sell it,
read more about what you can and cannot do here:
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