Good Afternoon,
Not sure if this is a question that can be answered here, or more of a mySQL question, but I was looking for a way to export a specific field from all leads in my system from all lists. For Example I need to export all the vin numbers into a single file.
I have figured out how to do it one list/table at a time using:
mysql> select Vin INTO OUTFILE '/var/NameOfFile.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' FROM custom_102313;
But I have tried everything I can think of to do it by all lists/tables. Like I was thinking FROM * or FROM custom_* or something.
If anybody has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks for everything.
Server version: 5.1.57-log SUSE MySQL RPM
VERSION: 2.4-357a
BUILD: 120125-2107
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Version: 2.4b0.5
DB Schema Version: 1312
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