Vicidial Report Signification

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Vicidial Report Signification

Postby mettichi » Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:10 am


Please friends i need your help to understand these technical words at vicidial report Agent Status detail:
1- the meaning of CIcalls?
2- the meaning of DNC/CI%?
3- PAVG?
5- TAVG?
8- CU?
9- CAVG?
10- S|NI|N|DC|CB|?

Thanks a lot
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Joined: Fri May 07, 2010 8:31 am

Re: Vicidial Report Signification

Postby DomeDan » Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:37 am

I dont know if our versions differ (because you didnt post them...) or if your mixing up the reports.
Anyway the "Agent Status Detail" is pretty simple:
Code: Select all
| USER NAME       | ID       | CALLS  | CIcalls| DNC/CI%|        A |
| Dan             | 1234     |      3 |      0 |      0%|        3 |

CALLS = Total number of calls sent to the user
CIcalls = I guess CI stands for "Customer Interact" or something, so this is the total amount of call where there was a Human Answer witch is set in "System Statuses" in the admin-interface
DNC/CI% = How much in percent DNC (Do Not Call) per Human Answers
And the rest is just System Statuses that the agent picked and how many, to find out what they means then head over to "System Statuses" in the admin-interface

Agent Performance Detail:
Code: Select all
| Dan             | 1234     |      3 |      4:55 |     2:08 |   0:43 |     0:29 |   0:10 |     2:03 |   0:41 |     0:15 |   0:05 |     1:01 |   0:20 |     1:02 |   0:21 |        3 |

+-----------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+  +----------+----------+
| USER NAME       | ID       | TOTAL    | NONPAUSE | PAUSE    |  |    LOGIN |          |
+-----------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+  +----------+----------+
| Dan             | 1234     |    16:59 |     2:50 |    14:09 |  |    13:14 |     0:55 |
+-----------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+  +----------+----------+

In this report there's a few things from the "Agent Status Detail" report and some from "Agent Time Detail" report explained here viewtopic.php?f=4&t=26411&p=92638#p92638

The report says: "(Statistics related to handling of calls only)" that means that the stats is in conjunction with a system status
CALLS = Total number of calls sent to the user
TIME = Total time of these (PAUSE + WAIT + TALK + DISPO)
PAUSE = Amount of time being paused in conjunction with a call, I'm not use exactly when this occurs...
AVG means Average so everything -AVG is for example amount of PAUSE-time divided by total number of calls, in the example above: (PAUSE / CALLS = PAUSAVG) is (2:08 / 3 = 0:43)
WAIT = Time the agent waits for a call
TALK = Time the agent talks to a customer or is in dead state (DEAD + CUSTOMER)
DISPO = Time the agent uses at the disposition screen (where the agent picks NI, SALE etc)
DEAD = Time the agent is in a call where the customer has hung up
CUSTOMER = Time the agent is in a live call with a customer
And the rest is just System Statuses that the agent picked and how many, to find out what they means then head over to "System Statuses" in the admin-interface

Next table is Pause Codes
TOTAL = Total time on the system (WAIT + TALK + DISPO + PAUSE)
NONPAUSE = Everything except pause (WAIT + TALK + DISPO)
PAUSE = Only Pause

The last table is pause-codes and their time (like "Agent Time Detail")
LOGIN = The pause-code when going from login directly to pause
LAGGED = The time the agent had some network problem or similar
found the status ANDIAL on one agent and after some digging in the code I found that this is when the agent been in the same dispo for more than 1000 seconds
and empty is undefined pause-codes... I guess... William, Matt etc correct me if I'm wrong
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