Outside DID call transefer adds extra 1 in dial string

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Outside DID call transefer adds extra 1 in dial string

Postby mstopkey » Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:21 am

Hello all,

I have a campaign setting problem that I am not finding the answer to in the manual. The campaign is calling the UK from the US. Calls work fine. UK dial plan is turned on in extensions.conf and the carriers setting have it in the dial plan as below.

exten => _01144,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _01144,2,Dial(${SIPTRUNK4}/${EXTEN:1},,tToR)
exten => _01144,3,Hangup

What does not work in the campaign is,
Transfer-Conf DTMF 1: 442036174115
Transfer-Conf Number 1: 442036174115

When we try to transfer a call to the above number, the CLI shows 90111442036174115 (Too many ones!)
Dial Prefix and Manual Dial Prefix are set to 9011. Everything works except the call transfer because it adds an extra 1 in the dial string. If I set the campaign Omit Phone Code to Y, transfer works correctly but campaign auto dial and manual dial will then add an extra 1 to the dial string.
Help please.
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Re: Outside DID call transefer adds extra 1 in dial string

Postby mstopkey » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:25 pm

I figured it out.
ViciBox 7.0.4 | Version 2.14-694a | SVN Trunk | 2803| Asterisk 11.25.1-vici |Build 181005-1738 | DB Schema 1561 | 7 64bit Telephony servers | 3 64bit Web servers | 1 64bit Database server | 1 64bit Archive server
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