Agents hearing beeps

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Agents hearing beeps

Postby ryano » Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:09 pm

VERSION: 2.6-380a
BUILD: 121029-0109

I used ViciBox.x86_64-4.0.1.iso to install a server cluster. We have a DB and web server on one machine and 2 dialers. One dialer is for outbound and the other is for inbound calling. The inbound server doesn't receive any calls. On the outbound server we have around 50 agents give or take 5 agents and the dial level stays around 2.4. Twenty of the agents that are logged in are from the Phillipines and the rest are in the United states with the Vicidial server. We get complaining from reps from both calls centers about them hearing beeps at different points in time, for example it sounds like someone is holding a phone key or pressing it sporadically. We use Eyebeam for the SIP phone. We are not sure if it is a problem with the bandwitdh because we only have around 10Mbps or eyebeam. Where should I start?
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Re: Agents hearing beeps

Postby rrb555 » Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:07 am

if it is a problem with the bandwitdh because we only have around 10Mbps

Will this be upload and download?

Where is the server located? Are you able to check the connection from the server and from the agents if has any packet loss? use mtr to check their connection.

Try using a different softphone if that solve the issue
One server that I am managing | Single Server | ViciBox Redux 6.0 | VERSION: 2.12-549a | BUILD: 160404-0940 | revision 2508| No other hardware
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Re: Agents hearing beeps

Postby williamconley » Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:23 pm

See if you can narrow the problem to anything more specific. For instance: do all reps complain of this or only some? As rrb55 suggestion, install a different soft phone on some stations and see if those are immune. Try a different sound card and/or computer type. More memory. Different Carrier for some calls. Eventually you will find that this happens randomly everywhere regardless or there is a common thread you can use to narrow it down farther.

If it happens everywhere, start to concentrate on WHEN it happens. Serverload during the occurrences? Number of agents/calls during them?

And as rrb555 pointed out "10Mbps" is not a complete bandwidth statement. If that is "download speed" and your upload speed is ... 1.5Mbps, then you actually have 1.5Mpbs not 10. If it is 10up and 10down, then you have 10. :)

You may also want to post your hardware specs (memory, CPU count and speed). And even your motherboard model # if you have it. Surprising how little tidbits like that can result in helpful information. :) And your asterisk version.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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