Handling of Disconnected phone numbers by Asterisk

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Handling of Disconnected phone numbers by Asterisk

Postby Alek » Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:29 pm

Hi everybody,
my client is running Vici 2.2.0 rc 7 with Asterisk
The problem - his database contains a lot of disconnected numbers. My SIP provided does not pass "The number has been disconnected" message to me. And as result asterisk keeps ringing those numbers until timeout is reached. As a result a lot of lines are busy dialing, but agents are sitting in the call center with calls coming in once in 5 minutes. I change "Dial timeout" in my compain definitions from 60 to 30, but I would like better solution. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
I am looking for reasonable SIP provider in Ontario regent. My old provider started to charge unreasonable amount of money for call termination with 30 sec minimum (used to be 6 sec). At 3K calls a day it hearts.
Thanks, Alek.
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Postby williamconley » Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:18 pm

there was actually a very long discussion on the topic a month or so ago. vicidial also has a "delay" on calls AFTER the 30 second wait period, based on "higher drop seconds = more wait before the next call". tested by the poster in the site.

look for that post, he mentioned the processes that were involved. but noone has offered to pay to fix the bug yet and noone has fixed it for free (in fact, it has not technically been determined to be a "bug" per se, as it could be "meant" to do that ... you should not be dialing numbers that do not exist, really)
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Re: Handling of Disconnected phone numbers by Asterisk

Postby omarrodriguezt » Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:10 pm

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