Pass Caller ID and inbound DID on SIP Transfer

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Pass Caller ID and inbound DID on SIP Transfer

Postby CallCenter702 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:27 pm

VERSION: 2.6-373a
BUILD: 120810-1018
Installed with ViciBox.i686-4.0.1.iso

I was wondering if there is a way that I can pass the customer ANI and the DID information to my other location via SIP trunk?

Right now I have a main center but if they can't answer it, the call SIP transfers to the other center, I have only been able to make it pass the customer ANI, but we have about 1000 DIDs that get the calls so it would be nice to be able to log where that call originated from when my overflow center receives it.

*I am currently passing calls via the remote agents (has to be this way so please give me solutions with this set up).

Thank you in advance for any help.
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Re: Pass Caller ID and inbound DID on SIP Transfer

Postby lark » Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:42 pm

Have you look at the manager's manual I think I read something about it somewhere in pages 30-33 i guess
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Re: Pass Caller ID and inbound DID on SIP Transfer

Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:33 pm

lark wrote:Have you look at the manager's manual I think I read something about it somewhere in pages 30-33 i guess

concur ... i believe there is a feature for this.
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Re: Pass Caller ID and inbound DID on SIP Transfer

Postby CallCenter702 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:49 pm

Thank you for the response.
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Re: Pass Caller ID and inbound DID on SIP Transfer

Postby CallCenter702 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:16 pm

Sorry guys, but all I see is stuff about Push 1 dialing, and my older manual says IVR info.

If it is in that spot I am just not astute enough in Vici I guess to see it.

Is it simply a dialplan entry that I need to incorporate?

Example, let's say I get these two calls:

Inbound 800-800-1212 from ani 702-345-4095
Inbound 800-900-4545 from ani 702-365-9567

All point to remote agent 3000, and 3000 SIP transfers to 4000 on Vicibox 2 (different location) . How can extension 4000 on the second box record the Inbound TF and customer ANI?

IE What do I put in the dial plan to pass both of those and what is in the receiving dial plan to capture both of those?

Thank you.
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Re: Pass Caller ID and inbound DID on SIP Transfer

Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:32 pm

It's not a dialplan change. It's a configuration option.

How do you "transfer"? (There are many methods, and many involve a method to set the callerid of the transferred call ...)
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